Would construct be able to make a game like this in 3 days like this CRAYON POKE on stencyl arcade that was made in under 3 days for ludum dare i cant post links not enough rep
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Actually looks fun
Dont know why im asking this but were any games made with construct classic notable ones
lol thanks started reading begginner guides
ok thanks
Since stencyl is more close to scripting how does construct work is there a if,when,variables to do more advanced things or does construct go so far?
I know stencyl has and so far in c2 ive seen behaivors and events how do iget more like variables and things like that
I want to press jump and the character is stuck on the wall then press jump again and hes off
Thank man that really helped
Im talking about the movement and layout since its not a platformer or top down game how would i go about this i got the artwork and animation down
Thank you guys for the answer and quick responses i really appreciate it
Im saying without coding could i make a game like hollow knight or ghost song made by stencyl or freedom planet by fusion just with the event system
How much is construct event system limited say as compared to stencyl block system or clickteam fusion