gd80's Forum Posts

  • Which element can be used to display a lot of formatted text in an application?

    For example, make some words in different colors and change the font size for individual words


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  • How to get objects in a given radius in js? e.g. all Sprite2 objects in a radius of 100 pixels from Sprite1 object


  • You can click "unbounded scrolling" in the layout. This will do the trick, but it will show the areas outside your layout when you go to the edge. The good thing is if you change the zoom level of the layout you don't have to adjust any extra settings.

    How do I change the color of the space behind the layout?

  • Why after releasing the joystick the tank turns smoothly and does not keep the angle that was when moving?

  • Hi! How do I make the player sprite always be in the center? even if the player comes to the edge of the map.


  • How can I use JS to get a copy of an object by UID in Actions?

    The code below does not work

    var _sprite;
    _sprite = runtime.objects.Sprite.getInstanceByUid("3");
    _sprite.opacity = 0.2;


  • Chat gpt created the question? That’s a new one. I thought people used it to get answers. Any particular reason you don’t just ask the question directly? I may just be confused though.

    Anyways, since construct is a 2d engine you can use the shadow caster behavior to do shadows. But since you write walls maybe you mean on a 3d shape? In which case it’s a pain to do since the engine isn’t built for it. But search the forum and you can find some complicated solutions of sorts.

    I translated the question into English using Chat GPT, because Google doesn't always translate well. And the question belongs to me

    The walls are not 3D, just 2d walls. I want the light does not pass through them and not be able to see what's behind the wall and see the texture of the wall itself

  • How to create lighting that doesn't go through walls but still illuminates the walls themselves?

    I'm sorry if the question is unclear, I used the GPT chat


  • How can I scroll text in an HTML element using a tap or mouse wheel? Or in another way


  • Hi! How can I adjust the volume level when playing a melody?Smoothly raise and lower the volume

  • just a suggestion but you could use the "scroll to" behaviour on the player and then use the "anchor" behaviour on the strip of life.

    hope this helps :)

    It doesn't fit

  • How to use a PIN code to make sure that the band of life was always above the player. The player rotates, and the strip with him together

    I have disabled the angle setting, the life bar rotates around the sprite


  • How do I select all visible objects on a scene of the same type?


  • > Add the sprite to a family. Define the variable on the family and remove it from the sprite. Then you can use this code:



    > > Sprite is overlapping Family
    > .. Family set var to Sprite.var


    > Depending on your task you might need to pick the correct sprite instance first. For example if you are using Drag And Drop behavior, then the code will be:



    > > Sprite On Drop
    > Sprite is overlapping Family
    > .. Family set var to Sprite.var

    Thank you very much!

    And how can the values of two copies of the same object be exchanged during an overlay?

    It was:

    Copy 1 value 22

    Copy 2 value 55

    After the overlay:

    Copy 1 value 55

    Copy 2 value 22

    This is much more difficult

  • Add the sprite to a family. Define the variable on the family and remove it from the sprite. Then you can use this code:

    > Sprite is overlapping Family
    .. Family set var to Sprite.var

    Depending on your task you might need to pick the correct sprite instance first. For example if you are using Drag And Drop behavior, then the code will be:

    > Sprite On Drop
    Sprite is overlapping Family
    .. Family set var to Sprite.var

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