hello got new promble agian :C
first promble
so everything is work but peer cannot see host angle but host can see peer angle :C
how i do to fix it ?
i do this
sync object peer with position only
and sync lookatx and lookaty instance varible
and add inputs lookx and looky
on client update
ID = Multiplayer.MyID then
set lookx as mouse.x and looky as mouse.y
ID = Multiplayer.MyID Then
lookatx = mouse.x
lookaty = mouse.y
peer set angle to x = lookatx and y = lookaty
is something worng ?
second promble
why on peer connected old peer is still ?
like when connected like peer will double create peer im sure im checked with multiplayer game :C
i do this
on connected
if host set peer.id to multiplayer.myid
associate object peer with multiplayer.myid
else destory
that all can you guy help me plz ? :C