GamerAddi8t's Forum Posts

  • You can't install Paster plugin?

    I have it installed its just I can't find it when I put it into the plugins folder even though it's in there.

  • I've got to say the new page for when your looking over construct 3 is looking pretty stunning! I always forget but Ashley or Tom nice job with the new page.

  • dop2000 I can't seem to get it working I put the download each of these folders, plugins and behaviors and there was nothing there

  • So I have a moving block pushing across the screen and when the player doesn't collide with it I don't want the player to die anymore. So here what I got

    Player on collision with player set variable 1

    (X)player on collision with player set variable 0

    Colliding with player = 1/ wait 3 sec/ destroy

    Colliding with player =0/ No event

    That's not the kind of community interactions I want!

    Yet you immediately went defensive mode on me when I asked about your post and you responded with "It's explained in the first post. If you have any questions you can submit chat requests on twitter or Facebook and I'll be glad to deny them and block you"

    I want cool helpful and respectful people!

    Simply you aren't respectful if you treated me like crap when I asked you a question on that post.

    I was going to say what we need is a little popup that says "Remember the guy you're arguing with is also sitting at home in his underwear." whenever you hit reply.

    But then I remembered I forgot to do laundry.

    What?? lol you're funny

    If I blocked someone for being abusive and harmful I don'T give a damn what they have to say that's the whole point.

    Yes, but what I'm saying is if their not abusive or "harmful" you shouldn't just block them because you don't like them. They have a right to respond to your post that you created

    encourage others to spout the same hateful things

    That's why there's mods to ban people that are targeting other people and verbally attacking them.

    I couldn't even read all that lol

    not allowing them to reply to our threads

    What if that person had a response to your question or statement they should be allowed to respond.for the person that created that post to silence others when their trying to state or respond to such a post

    Maybe create a system where users such as him need to have their post approved by moderators ?

    I completely disagree with this statement, reason being if they continue to post something not appropriate then they should receive a ban for x amount of time. If it doesn't break any rules then it should be allowed, as so of people's opinion's about that post or answer to it.

  • C2 support would be unlikely as it's in maintenance mode (bug fixes only)

    Well that's bs

  • Why was Richard000 banned?

  • Hi! I was just wondering If we get to 1000 signatures (We're getting close!) will you look in to getting Nintendo switch support for construct 2 and Construct 3? Ashley or Tom

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It would be easier if you provide a capx

  • I haven't came across a game that I've made in construct that's 2d not able to handle it, so I think It will handle a game like jetpack joyride just fine.