GamerAddi8t's Forum Posts

  • > > I feel the appropriate level of sarcasm was used.

    No it wasn't, you could have just told him instead of being sarcastic.

    > > Omg! We've been hacked, this isn't even anymore!

    I also feel the level of it was unnecessary.

  • Omg! We've been hacked, this isn't even anymore!

    No need for sarcasm Jack***, Tekniko The owners decide to choose these colors not that many people like them, they most likely won't change the colors for a while

  • Use screentogif simple and easy to use

  • Usually these engines get abandonned after a few years

    You do got a point but not every engine like this gets abandonned

  • I found a 3d game engine named RPG in a box that can create adventures and more here's a link this engine looks promising for 3d engine to start out with. I'll update with more info if I like it or not, pros and cons soon


    Edit: When I looked over the engine again the dialog system reminded me of 001 game engine just wanted to point that out.

  • Oh dang that sucks thanks for telling me

  • If I did offend in a way , sorry about that. I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to get the point across.

    Oh no your fine man. One thing I did see spark engine a few times but never really looked into it, do you know why it shut down?

  • I love all of your great response thank you for sharing it with me and everyone else. (Just remember that scirra is most likely not going to make a 3d engine sadly.)

  • I’d be interested in a simple tool to create 3D games. There are unlimited features that could be added to a 3D engine, so I’m curious what minimal feature set could be to still be fun and enjoyable to use.

    Lately I’ve been less interested in flashy special case features, and more interested in simple core features that could be used to build those special case features.

    So what would such a program have? I’m sure we all have a varying list of things we would want.

    * object types: camera, 3D mesh

    * A level editor to place, size, orient said objects

    * a way to get keyboard input as a minimum

    * an event/simple scripting system to move stuff about.

    * we’d want functions and some kind of arrays at least.

    If we could access all the mesh data with expressions, even better.

    After that I have a cascading list of ideas. Lol. But those basics could be enjoyable. In that base state there would be lots of math to do stuff, but I don’t think it too bad. Simpler helper functions could be made to hide the math.

    Of course there would always be things to optimize and improve.

    The dream feature list would be:

    * editor built with same engine for ease of adding editor features.

    * a simple way to make shaders in the editor without using glsl.

    Ahh it’s fun to dream and design in your head. Kudos to anyone that takes such a dream and try’s to make such a thing for fun.

    Dang what a great response dude. Thanks for sharing

  • I think some people are being a bit too critical here, due to their preconceptions.

    The original post simply raised something to think about as far as making 3D games via a construct-esque program. It never suggested that construct should incorporate 3d into it.. It didn't suggest that scirra make a 3d program either.. It didn't put any limitation on how a program like that could be, yet some people are adamant that it must be a specific way or it won't work- and then saying it can't be that way because of such and such reason, and so there's no point discussing, etc. That's just being close-minded, and basically saying that you're not interested in discussing things further.

    Thank you!!

  • Eh, looks like this one has run its course.

    Ya it has lol!

  • You really have no idea, don't you... It is in terms of practicality/feasibility.

    If you would like to think that go ahead and think that. lol

    You are using trying to use an editor for something it isn't made for.

    When did I say I was gonna use an editor for something that it wasn't made for?

    My point is that, even if you practice, what's the point... What are you then trying to prove...

    Practice making games and you'll get better at it come on did you think for this one. :)

  • My new devlog is out now! Come check it out

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  • it is still the same case.

    How is it still the same case?

    You obviously can't easily make a 3D game from a layout. It requires 3 dimensions, not 2.

    Of course you cant at first, practice makes perfect I didn't say it would be easy.

  • I obviously meant the 1st one.

    No not really but that is what you can think.