gameMaker92's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • thank you!

  • I have local variables set up for the player's health in my game. When it reaches 20% or less, I want the health bar icon to flash. Currently, I have it hardcoded for when the health is <= 5, it flashes. This works fine. However, when I try to do the following, it still flashes at 5:

    Event Sheet:

    On player ---> compare variable player.hp ---> when value = player.MaxHp*0.20

    For some reason, it will not calculate the *0.20, any advice on why this may be?

  • I am facing similar problems. I cannot export using google drive... the tutorial is outdated and irrelevant

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  • When the player is overlapping an enemy, the enemy disappears (dies).

    Now I want the text "+100" to appear above the player and move upward for 1 second, and then destroy itself. Similar to Mario games where the points appear after you destroy any enemy. I am thinking I need a timer? Not really sure how to implement this.

    Any help would be great! Thank You.

  • Thank you very much! I tried looking at other guides, but following your steps seemed so simple! Thanks Again!

  • I am trying to make the window size (dotted line) more narrow. Is there any easy way to do this? I can change the layout size easily, but cannot find a way to change the dotted line dimensions.

    First post, I am new at this

  • 6 posts