gamekill's Forum Posts

  • Hey all,

    I cannot find a proper and straightforward way of testing my Construct 2 games on my windows 10 phone (Lumia 640).

    And more importantly, I cannot find a way to get them published on the Windows Store.

    All I could find was some obsolete infos about Windows 8 mobile etc.

    For Android, I usually go the Ludei route. But they do not support Windows 10 Mobile.

    Any help please?

    EDIT: I guess I need to install the latest Visual Studio alongside the Windows 10 Mobile emulator. Installing it right now.

    And if I understand it correctly, I ALSO need to install node.js and also Cordova command-line tools?

  • Yes, I'm bumping this. It would be really nice to have this option switchable in realtime..

  • Nevermind, solved it.

    The problem was that since there was no sprite ("Score") present on the scene at the start of the "For" event, the specified multiplier in the Action (Score.Width) was zero. I was asking for a loopindex*Score.Width calculation, and the result was zero. Seems the "For" loop does not update this value at any iterations until it completes all of them (0 1 2 3 4) and exits.

    So I solved it by splitting the action in two actions:

    1 - create the sprite Score;

    2 - move the sprite according to it's Score.Width.

    Link to the solved capx:

  • SOLVED, check post #2

    Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. click on the blue button a couple of times



    Observed result:

    The 1st click spawns 5 sprites called "Score" overlapping each other.

    Expected result:

    Only the 2nd click (and further ones) spawn the sprites correctly (alongside each other). The expected result would be that the 1st click also spawned the instances alongside one another, and not overlaping each other.

    You can get the expected result disabling Event #3 and enabling Event #4 on the capx.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 Ultimate & SP1

    Construct 2 version:

    Tried 124 and 127

  • Is there a way to make a Construct2-built app dial a phone number, and furthermore, after a few seconds, dial some tones?

    For example, call an automated phone service and dial the numbers that will trigger certain service navigation options.


  • David, that would be a workaround, yes. Thanks for the heads up.

    But usind IIDs is not too reliable, I'd like to know if there's a more solid alternative to this.

  • Can I reference an object by its name only?

    I have several different level layouts, each one stored in a separate Text object. Like, text object Stage1 "floor,floor,leftwall,topwall,floor"; text object Stage2 "topwall, floor, leftwall, leftwall, floor"; text object Stage3 "topwall, topwall, topwall, topwall, leftwall".

    Then I have another global variable int gChapter, that I increase whenever I finish some objective ingame.

    I wish to have an event where I ask the system to set up the level according to the text stored in one of the text objects. The chosen text object is dependand on the currently set gChapter value.

    Something like this:


    This is driving me crazy. Can't I reference an object just by its name?

    Thanks for reading, pls help!

  • I guess.. just add the corresponding "Set Animation" action right after the action that makes it move?

  • Yes this does help, never thought about using Tokenat for a loop.

    I guess I need to practice more on thinking differently on each new project, to come up with stuff like this.


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  • vee41 Yes, I guess you are right.

    For the example I posted (double the size) we can do away without Functions etc.

    And sorry, I forgot to comment on your earlier post. Your idea about several objects inside animations of a single object is a really useful thing to do.

    But for complex actions I could use Functions. Like a function called "turn it into a nemesis" could double the object's size, restore it's HP, give it a powerful weapon and attach it to him, start showing it on the minimap, and point the player in its direction.

  • justifun

    That's just about the exact of what I need, but I guess there's no way to accomplish it in a simple manner if I don't use Families, right? I was trying to avoid them because I teach Construct at a local University, and not all my students have access to Construct 2 Full.

    Is there a way to reference "any Sprite"?

    That way, I could create a local variable for the objects I want to be double-sized when clicked, say a variable called canDoubleSize. And I could check for that variable on my mouse-click then call the double-size function.

    on mouse clicked on "any sprite whatsoever"

    \--> AnySprite.canDoubleSize = 1

    then do what your example does, but sending the UID to a global variable. Then the function searches for "any Sprite" with that UID and runs on it.

    I hope I explained it clearly..

  • Wretchedshark, thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it and your time. The problem is, this solution is not really what I need..

    You see, imagine I create a game with 125 different types of objects. It would be impractical to create one event condition for each one of them. What's worse, changing and adding objects to the project would be a pain.

    I guess in this specific case (simple size changing), you could use Families (as you already mentioned) to simplify the process.

    But my real problem lies with Functions.

    I intended to use Functions for more complex stuff, say for an example:

    If my character touches a magic statue, he temporarily gets a specific power, depending on the touched magic statue. Then, Every object in the world that he touches becomes the same color of the magic statue, and loses half the height of the previously touched object.

    Etc etc.

    This could all be achieved easily with traditional coding languages Functions.

    Any insights on this, anyone?

  • Hi all,

    I want to create a Function that can be applied to different objects whenever it is called.

    For instance, in pseudo code, here's something simple I can't seem to accomplish with Construct 2. First I would create a Condition->Action to call a Function using a specific object as a parameter:

    On Mouse Clicked Object

    \--> call Function "MyResizingFunction" (Mouse.clickedobject.UID)

    The Function would be something on the lines of:

    On [MyResizingFunction]

    |--> System.PickObjectByUID(Param0)

    \--> PickedObject.setsize = PickedObject.size*2


    So, I hope I explained it simply enough. Basically I want to click on any random object (Sprite) and have that object double size each time it is clicked on.

    I was excited about the possibility of using Functions, but after trying some stuff, I can't really say I get the point, if I can't apply Functions to different objects (Sprites).

    Please share any thoughts on this.

    Thank you very much!!

  • Hi,

    I noticed you guys are currently fiddling with the Image Editor. And that is really awesome.

    I have a small suggestion, please let us use keys (up/down/left/right) to move collision polygon points with a pixel-by-pixel precision? Similar to what is already available when editing / moving the Origin and Image Points.


    <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Very interesting, great trying out variations on the fly.

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />