gamecherry's Forum Posts

  • Hello All,

    In my game, my levels are setup a lot like "Angry Birds" and/or "Wheres My Water" where a new level unlocks after you defeat the previous level.

    I'm having a problem figuring out the logic.

    I can't "add" to the level variable because replaying a single level multiple times would eventually unlock all the levels.

    I can't "set" the number because replaying a previous level would re-set the number of levels cleared.

    If this post makes any sense to you, please help me out.

    Thank you for your time.

  • You Sir, are a genius!

       Thank you.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

       This does not work. What am I doing wrong?

       Thanks for looking.

  • Hello Everyone,

       Does anyone know of a way to change the color of a sprite on the fly, but subtle like a gradient? For example:

    <img src="" border="0" />

       Thank you for your time.

  • Thanks Buddy,

    That did help. Your solution was simple, straightforward, and made perfect sense. Sometimes I forget all those different move behaviors are there.

    My graphic is oblong so, I had to add an angle for the graphic to point toward and it now works great.

    I also had to upgrade to run your capx, thanks for bringing to my attention that I was 6 releases behind, lol!

    Thank you, you have lived up to your name.

  • I just right click on a layout in the projects windows and duplicate.

  • Hello, thank you for looking.

       I have a firework(s) graphic that I have set to spawn from 3 image points simultaneously- think left, middle, right.

       Is there a way to move each firework(s)at a different angle, simultaneously? - think left is 240 degrees, middle is 270, right is 310 and each is moving toward the top of the screen.

       Can this be done with instances rather than clones?

       Thank you for your time.

  • Thank you for the concern Ashley, I very much appreciate it. It's the little things that elude me sometimes. After searching for quite awhile I came across this link on google: (Ashley, you seem to be everywhere)

       Upgrading the graphics card had not occurred to me at the time because the laptop is more than powerful enough to run a simple web game - or so I thought. After running the Catalyst update(ATI 1025X or something like that) the game did run quicker but, still not full speed. I then stopped a bunch of services from running in hopes of squeezing out some extra power and made sure my browsers were up to date and even went to some other websites to play their html5 games for a comparison - the laptop just isn't robust enough for html5 gaming.

       I tested my game on my pc, my sons gaming pc, the pcs at school and all worked without issue. Clearly, the problem is not Construct. However, it does raise the issue of "how fast does a pc need to be in order to run html5 games at full speed?" It seems that processor speed and RAM amount/speed are not the only mitigating factors, that a "decent" 3d graphics card is also needed, even if the html5 game is simple & 2d.

       Has anyone performed any benchmarks, not on Construct2 but, on html5 gaming in general? Is there a minimum system requirement?

    Thank you again for your time.

  • Thank you for your response Ashley,

    I don't know what else to do. My game is only 335k and runs like crap on my kindle and my gf's laptop(dual core, 4gb Ram, Vista). I don't see a reason why this should be.

    Firefox runs my game a little quicker than Chrome does on the laptop but it still hangs and runs at half speed. I've applied all of the tips from the performance blog/post without any perceivable difference. I'm about to pull all of my hair out a set fire to my living room.

  • Hello All, & thank you for looking.

    On my personal pc (gaming rig) my game runs great but, on my gf's laptop, not so much. So, I audited my game in Chrome and it came up with a bunch of stuff I could do to optimize my game and make it faster - the problem is I don't know how to implement any of Chromes suggestions.

    For instance:

    The following resources are missing a cache expiration. Resources that do not specify an expiration may not be cached by browsers:

       I've read a bunch of articles on what this means and how to fix it. Mainly, the jist is to add a header to something (IDK what) and/or add a .htaccess file to my directory. I did that with no luck.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial or an example of how to do this with Construct2/html5 in mind?

    Thank you for your time.

  • I just purchased a Construct2 standard license. I'll be back for the business license after I make my first $5000.

       Thank you, Scirra. Construct 2 makes my visions a reality and my dreams of being a game designer a possibility.

       Keep up the good work and I wish you all the success in the world.

  • There's been some confusion about the lady bugs in my game. You cannot eat them. Lady bugs spawn when you reach a certain amount of points(125, 400, etc...). When they're on the screen all "bad" bugs disappear until the Lady Bug exits the screen. This gives you some "extra time" to gather more points and spawn another Lady Bug.

       Also, play through all the rounds(there are 6 of them) and you'll encounter other things. For instance. somewhere around round 3 Lily Flowers will start to descend from the top of the screen. Their purpose is to get in your way and make it more difficult to eat the bugs(you can push them out of the way with your tongue).

       Mosquitoes show up around round 4 or 5 and will spawn at the furthest point away from the lizard. Mosquitoes will follow the lizard around the screen until either you eat them or they sting you.

       Thanks again for playing.

  • <center><img src="" border="0"></center>

    Hello All,

    My game is called Hungry Lizard and is currently in the HBGames Construct 2 contest.

    You'e a lizard and you need to eat as many bugs as possible before time runs out. Some bugs give points and health others burn, electrocute, or chase you around and try to sting you. The artwork is all me and the music is provided by Kevin MaCleod.

    If you have the time please, give it a go and if you like it please, vote for me. Thank you and enjoy.

    <center>Click to Play Hungry Lizard...He's Starving & Needs Your Help</center>

    <center><img src="" border="0"></center><center><img src="" border="0"></center>

    <center><img src="" border="0"></center>


  • I subscribed to your Reddit and was more than happy to do so. Construct 2 is amazing and imho should be part of every grade school curriculum. Thank you for the great program and keep up the good work.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • This plug-in is excellent and I recommend it to anyone that is having difficulty adding a timer to their game. My only complaint (not really a complaint) is that the seconds string doesn't go beyond 60 (90 for instance counts down from 30 and then from 60) and that the minutes string is read 00:00 as opposed to 0:00. There are a lot of strings there and maybe more would be too confusing for some, but I would prefer these additions.

       Of course, the author wrote a nice tutorial on adding in the timer manually where both of these "complaints" could be addressed.

       Thanks for the great plug-in. I use it and love it.