I have a sprite with a 1x1 distortion map. The vertex positions are thus (0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1). Four points in total. I also have a 2x2x3 array which stores precalcualted distortion values. X is Column, Y is Row, Z is distortion in X,Y and Z. Since I have 4 points, I have a looping event (looping 4 times) which updates each vertex with the proper distortion values. The problem is, no matter what I do, the last row never acquires the displacement values at all. They are in the array.
For"" from 0 to (Sprite.MeshRows+1)*(Sprite.MeshCols+1)-1
Set Absolute Displacement at
Row: floor(LoopIndex/2)
Col: (ceil(LoopIndex/2)-(LoopIndex/2))*2
X Distortion: Array((floor(LoopIndex/2)+1),((ceil(LoopIndex/2)-(LoopIndex/2))*2+1),1)
Y Distortion: Array((floor(LoopIndex/2)+1),((ceil(LoopIndex/2)-(LoopIndex/2))*2+1),2)
Z Distortion: Array((floor(LoopIndex/2)+1),((ceil(LoopIndex/2)-(LoopIndex/2))*2+1),3)
The formulae seem correct to me. The only way I found to mitigate the problem, was to add another row to the distortion map - basically adding empty space to the sprite and doubling its height -then my second row would acquire the distortion values while the third one would not.
Any help would be most apprectiated. Thanks.