Fuekan.'s Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • I'm not sure if admob working with enhance but mopub is working great for me. The problem about your issue may be about GDPR. You need to ask to users for opt-in or opt-out with enhance plugin. Then ads will be loaded.

  • There are cordova cli and phonegap. Also they already have a note in their post which is about changing cocoon with cordova, there are a few more alternatives in there.

  • Chat is resetting everytime I changed layout, I can only be able to get history on first boot. Can I get history with an action? or how can I solve the reset problem?

    Thank you

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Yeah, tag needed for sending request. What is it?

  • You can use version 5.0.12 it is still working

  • Can you find any solution for leaderboards? I'm having same problem now.

  • Yes, I also tried cocoon plugin, it's not worked. They aren't logging in.

    Isn't there anybody who is using Google play game services with construct 2?

  • I've tried it yesterday,I added my game as web app on developer console and I filled up things like client id,app id in construct 2 and I installed the game to my phone.

    I guess i did everyting rigt but it didn't worked. when it's time to sign in it gave an error: disallowed_useragent

    I don't know how to fix this. If you found a way can you please help me?

  • Then what should I use, which one is the most powerful? My app has many objects on it.

  • when I build my multiplayer app with crosswalk it is not even connecting to server. but if I use webview it Works.

    Is it possible to build a multiplayer app with crosswalk, should I add something else?

    I'm using phonegap

  • Try Construct 3

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  • 10 posts