Frostcall's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Yes, I just applied to all in animation. Thanks for mentioning it though. That might be helpful to remember!

  • I had a jerky / jumpy animation after making a bunch of changes to my game and it was driving me nuts. I couldn't seem to figure out why the animation would jerk forward then backward every so often. I had randomized the speed of several things making it even harder to figure out when it was happening.

    So, I went back to the basics. I turned everything down to a more 'normal' animation speed and began to see that the jerking happened at frame 0 of my animation. I looked at everything I had changed and finally figure out that my Origin point was on the right side (basically the head) of my bullet. When I reset it to the middle, the jerking went away.

    The jerking makes sense when you think about it.

    Just a heads up for anyone with jerky or jumpy animations on a bullet. I searched and did not see anything. Perhaps this will help someone down the line.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Thanks for the advice. I tried a few ways of doing it and this is the one that worked; I created an instance var bool, called 'flip' starting at false. I then did this:

    1) System > every tick >

    > 2 char > is flip > char > Simulate Platform pressing left

                          > char > Set Mirrored

    > 3 char > X is flip > char > Simulate Platform pressing Right

                          > char > Set Not Mirrored

    4) char > Platform On stopped > char > Toggle flip

    It now does exactly what I wanted! Of course, I'll need to add in the code to block input but above are the parts that count.

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  • I can't seem to figure this out and I'm sure it's simple. I've searched the forums but my searching is in vain.

    Here is what I'm looking to do:

    Start my character moving from left to right, across the screen at a set speed (70 in this case) with the gravity and other attributes that go with a platform behavior. When it hits a solid, I'm going to have it start the other direction. The user does not control the character, they will be interacting with other objects on the screen to influence the movement of the character.

    At first, I was all 'Bullet'! because I can start it in 1 direction then it bounces off the walls but the bullet has flaws. It either bounces constantly on the ground as it moves forward or falls through solids :(

    Then I was like 'Platform'! and I told it to simulate the Right key at every tick and block input from the user, but then the character does not turn when he hits a solid wall.

    I tried combining the two but it just falls off the map.

    What am I missing?

  • 4 posts