Fresh Frijoles's Forum Posts

  • I am not certain if that will really fix the problem I am having. The problem I am having is that since the bullet is instant hit there are no x and y values to turn the line to. At least that is what it seems to be.

  • Well, I am casting revive on this thread! I need some help with this exact thing once again. I can't seem to figure out exactly where the bullet is. I can't seem to make any sort of tracing line. Can anyone help me? I know I got this to work last time, I just can't this time. I find it really odd.

  • , can you expand on that first thing a bit? I don't quite understand what you mean. I have a similar issue sometimes, but I am sure my workaround is overly tedious and a bad way to do it. How can I stop the lag? Could you perhaps make an example?

  • Guys, I feel really silly. I knew I was forgetting a lot.

    Okay, let me tell you about the actual game. I could go into a lot more but I will try to cut down on the whole... wall of text.

    It is a side scrolling shooter, akin to that like Metal Slug.

    A good example of a similar project can be found here. Skip to 1:51 for game play.

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    My game is similar to this, but much different.

    Ideally there will be multi player, but I need a playable level first. Like I said in my first post (I think I did.) it is class based. So far I have a:

    Large Arms class, slow moving but heavy fire power.

    A Scouting class, fast and uses smaller arms.

    A Sniper class, well, you have a big gun and you shoot it.

    A Medic class, a big deal in multiplayer, if you are down a medic is the only one who can get you up.

    The classes aren't as static as Team Fortress, however, more like the classes in a game like Battlefield. You can customize them with different weapons and abilities. Some abilities are like a dash attack, a jetpack, power armor, different weapons, a cloaking ability, and I am still working on more.

    I don't want to tell too much about the story... but like I said, you are a Mercenary hired to protect a group of scientists on Mars. They are working on a project to make the planet habitable. A group of pirates attacks and you do some really neat stuff with explosions and what not to find them.

    Trust me, it's cooler than that. I just don't want to say much more.

    Now for pictures! If I can find them...

    <img src="">

    This is one of the basic armor designs, I am still working on it... but this is pretty final.

    <img src="">

    This is a pretty basic assault rifle.

    Irbis, I was about to reply to you but then I saw the last thing you said. I will email you instead.

    daamee, Do you have any examples of your work that I could see? I know how to use Construct just fine. I have been working with it for over a year now. I just need graphics.

  • I am sorry, I meant to ask if that was the right forum or not. I apologize for putting it in the wrong spot.

    Eh, my email is already spammed to hell, and I don't mind the occasional weirdo calling me to keep me company.

    Oh, crap, that's not even my number.

  • For years I have been a lone wolf, making games in the dark. Today I throw away my secret ways.

    I toss aside the mask of the misanthrope and now beseech ye all for assistance in matters most dire.

    I have been working on the same game now for over a year on and off. I keep getting to a similar area, a similar amount of completion. Then I quit. Every single time I rebuild it. I rebuild it better, but every time I start over. I say 'no more'. I am tired of two weeks of solid work and extreme progress. I cannot do this alone anymore, I need people, I need help, I need a team.

    I am sure many of you are wary or unwilling. My post count is low... but I assure you my morale is high. I may not be as good with this as some, but I can do some pretty great things. I have years of experience being mediocre at indie game making, and I plan to get many more years of experience with this fun hobby. However, I will change one thing. This time I will finish the fight. I will complete something. Whether it be one level of combat or a full game. A playable demo will be finished in the time of one month. That is the dead-line I give myself. That is the dead-line I give my team.

    You may be questioning my talk of a team, and I am too, but I need assistance. This is not a small project. I am sure one man could do it, but I am not he. I am lazy. I am not the best at everything. I will accept nothing but PERFECTION. Which is why I call out to you, my friends, allies, citizens of, I need your aid.

    I can event program just fine for pretty much everything I need to do, I sometimes need help, but that's usually just to see small errors I don't notice. No, what I need help with are the following things: I need an animator, I need someone who can do/sprite scenery, and I need some help with AI.

    Animator- I need someone who can do good work. Better than me, at least. I am decent, I will give myself that, but I am not good enough. I am too lazy to get all of my animations done, I need someone who can do it well.

    Things I need done:

    -Humanoid characters, somewhat stylized. I have the designs all done, so all you need to

    do is sprite/animate them.

    -Guns. Once again, I have the designs done. I just need them sprited. I have some sprites

    done if you want to use those and improve them.

    -Explosions, Effects, Vehicles. One person doesn't need to be able to do ALL of this. I just

    do need it done.

    Environment Spriters- I pretty much need all kinds of environments done. The game takes place on Mars, so pretty much a bunch of orange and brown stuff. Some flora. I need really beautiful space skyboxes.

    AI programmer- I can do some really basic stuff. I might need some help for some more advanced stuff. I am still working on designs and enemies so I don't know exactly what I need, but I do know I will need help.

    No. I am not done yet. I assume you want some sort of info on the project I am inviting you all to join me on. It has been a huge part of my life for many years and has been many different things before evolving into what it is now. I have been designing it and shaping it for a while. It is almost complete inside my head. I want to finish it in game form. Basically it is a shooting game employing a semi class based system similar to that found in Team Fortress. I don't want to give out too much info... uhh... it takes place on Mars. You are a mercenary. You work with teams of mercenaries. You are being paid to protect a small research facility. It is attacked by what you and your team assumes are pirates. You follow them to the center of Mars itself to discover something no one expected. But me. I made it up.

    I will check back here for posts, but if you want to contact me personally before I read this for any additional info I have many different ways you can do this.

    Steam: afterlifesk8

    Email: frij0les at

    Phone: 615-708-4253 (US, Tennessee)


    I am making a game. Want to help?

    I thought I would have more accounts to list. Oh well. I hope someone is interested in this. I kind of lost direction the more I wrote.

  • I feel stupid now. I should have seen it. I fixed that, and it worked at first but now it goes back to being stubborn after I change up the weapons once.

    When everything starts the animation is correct, but I swap weapons once and my gun is on my foot again

  • I had a feeling someone would need to see the .cap. I was just wary of posting it, but since that is what is needed, I shall.

    Basically I have it something like this.

    If gun = holstered
          gun animation = holstered[/code:2ct1w8ib]
    At first, it would only play the holstered animation. Now it won't play the holstered animation.
    It's under the group combat, under the group weapons, under the group Falcon, under the group Holstered.
    I forgot the controls. Sorry.
    W switches weapons, A and D move, Shift jumps, Mouse to aim, Left click to shoot.
  • I don't know if it is just me or something, but I ALWAYS have problems with getting animations to work right. I am having an especially difficult time right now, I am trying to change the animation state of a gun on my character, but instead of it changing it wants to be all stubborn. I have tried so many things. I have renamed the animation, I have made a new animation, I have edited the animation, I have tried changing up the sequence it is called in. I don't know what to do. Does anyone else have animation problems? And if so how do you deal with them?

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  • ...who the hell owns a Zune....

    I own a Zune. ;-;

  • I always assumed they were like an auto-save type deal, however they never seem to do that. So I would prefer them gone. Especially since I have had to delete them a few times just to use my .cap.

  • Well, I honestly had never even considered making my own installer... so my bad on that part. To everyone who said computer gamers need to know how to computer...

    You guys don't know how stupid people are, at least the ones near me.

    I cannot manage to get anyone to understand that their computer doesn't have anything to do with the Internet, I also cannot manage to explain how their web browser and their operating system have nothing to do with each other.

    It is not easy being the only person who knows jack-shit about computers in your area. A lot of them do have gaming computers, the ones you spend $3000 on from like Dell's website. They play WoW and steam games but know little to nothing about computers. It is very sad.

  • When ever I have a friend test out a game, or I try to distribute one, the users have to download end user run-times. Not to be a ***** but to just point out the obvious, most of my friends and user of my programs are too ******* stupid to know what the hell a "Direct X", "end user", or "runtime" is. Nor can they Google it and download it. In fact when I give them a link to download it from they cant even do that.

    Because of this massive lapse in intelligence I usually just tell them to install construct to play my game, it is alot easier for them to understand.

    Is there anyway to bundle the DX runtimes with the game? Could that be a feature implemented? When they install a game its all leik "YOU NEED RUNTIMES, CLICK NEXT FOR THEM." Can this be done pretty please?

  • I may be misunderstanding... but games like Guitar Hero and DDR... the songs are made by people, they are not created randomly by the game to be in sync with the music.

  • This is an idea, not sure if it has been said before but it hit me in the shower.

    I believe this could potentially increase the games performance of construct massively.

    What if groups worked like groups, but more like conditions.

    If a certain condition wasn't met, I will use my games jetpack code as an example...

    Construct will completely ignore that entire group, saving processor time and memory.

    Group>>>>Jetpack>>> If player.value(hasjetpack == 1)

    Run Jetpack Events

    This would allow construct to completely ignore these events until they are needed, instead of skimming through them one by one, determining if they are active for 10+ events it can just check once.

    Not sure about the ins and outs of construct, but that was an idea I had.

    Seems logical to me...