Hey there everyone.
This is the code I currently have.
what i expect to happen:
1 - "enemy01" is idle, creates a random value for each "enemy01" instance, waits 3 seconds and than starts moving again.
2 - When "enemy01" starts moving again a timer starts ticking for each instance with the random value from step 1 as the duration.
3 - When the timer reaches its duration, it would activate making that "enemy01" instance go back to idle, restarting the process for that "enemy01" instance.
3b - The other "enemy01" instances would continue counting the timer until each reached its duration, restarting the process for each one of them.
BUT what happens is:
1 - "enemy01" is idle, creates a random value for each "enemy01" instance, waits 3 seconds and than starts moving again.
2 - When "enemy01" starts moving again a timer starts ticking for each instance with the random value from step 1 as the duration.
3 - When the FIRST timer (the one with the lowest duration) reaches its duration, it activates ALL timers (even though the timer on each "enemy01" instance has a different tag based on the instances UID). The "enemy01" instance that had the lowest duration goes back to step 1. All the other "enemy01" instances just go straight to step 2 starting the timer again, but not going back to idle and creating a new random value.