Thanks for looking into! Thanks for api32.
Removing these is a bit tricky: ShowSplashScreenSpinner is still documented as affecting iOS, and SplashMaintainAspectRatio still applies for legacy Android builds. I've removed the latter from the latest builds though as it is indeed no longer a documented property.
Ah ok, no problem. I thought you created different config files depending on if the user did an ios or android cordova export.
> Also as mentioned in the bug tracker, the icon is not handled correctly at the moment, but there is an easy fix for it.
I don't see a report for this, and it looked OK in my testing. Did you mean to file an issue?
I meant my super old ticket, which we re-opened last week. It is not related to any new changes, it is an old issue since we started with adaptives. I can verify that the fix I wrote last week will solve the issue with the fallback icon for old devices. (You should just add the src tag to the adaptive icon line and map it to the icon file in c3, then it will work correct on all devices)
> Also, would it be possible to format the config.xml file?
I didn't realise it wasn't formatted! I always looked at it in an auto-formatting tool. I added formatting for the next beta.
Haha! wow thanks, glad it was so simple. Been thinking of filing this as a bug for so long time, since I've been struggeling with this for years :D
> Also, any particular reason you still have a config.json?
That's used by the build service.
Ah cool, didn't know. I always just delete it, since I don't use it in cordova.