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How To Open A File .cap in Construct 2.
Just search Facebook for Canoa Games.
Hello Guys.
Take a Look at My Project and Tell Me Where Can I Improve?
Can you send me a simple example? "capx"
I know that's asking a lot but I need a grid helps. I wanted to create an inventory with only two items where one is water and the other is eaten. That when using the water will raise the variable headquarters and seat bar. The hunger increase the hunger bar and almentaria variable and also a bit of hp. Can you help me?
because I can not post a link for u to see my capx and so help me ...
thanks man I think it will help me a lot.
The game is RPG style, top view.
Guys wanted a little help as I do to the enemy follow the player when in a certain distance?
then you know the error
would be much easier if I could send you to capx
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks for the tutorial but it was the first I saw.
And not the zombie turns to me and not to follow me when I'm far away.
I'm not able to send the capx. What do I do?
guys my english sucks
I am Brazilian
and if you can create the game q qero I'll buy the paid version