Flodcp's Forum Posts

  • Thanks a lot! I did not know the PickedCount expression, and it's really helpful. I don't know why, it didn't quite work at first: there was some time before the event triggered, and the disabled movement occured some time ago (but the pickedcount was instant and correct, it was really weird).

    All I changed was trigger the event and the actions in two differents events with a boolean and it worked:

    for NPC animations and behaviors I think that if I simply test the overlapping of a zone with the player AND the NPC it simply should work.

    Thanks again!

  • Hi!

    I'm trying to replicate the 3C of GB Zeldas, as a small exercise.

    I currently have some really basic stuff, as movements, sword attack, graphic placeholders.

    What I want to tackle now is the camera. I'm using the famous zone-based camera movement from https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/747/zo ... a-movement and it works pretty well. I just have one problem:

    I want to pause the player movement (and all animations/NPC behaviors) while the camera is moving from one screen to another, like in the original games. It prevents the player from moving without properly seeing the scene, and also prevents him from getting hurt etc. My basic idea is to disable the 8direction movement for X seconds while the transition is happening, or even better, with a boolean.

    My issue here is I don't know how to detect when the transition happens. I don't think I can use the zones for that, even with unique IDs. I really don't know how to detect this particular situation.

    Do you know how I can detect when the transition is happening?

    Thanks a lot. You can find the corresponding capx here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qt0x4v07qfo10ry/testZelda_ScirraForums.capx?dl=0

    I have small additional questions, but one thing at a time. I'm not sure if It's better to create another topic or just ask here.

  • A new version is definitively planned, with a lot of stuff I'm teaming up with a developer to see what we can do, but we are aiming for a full set of characters, instruments, and online multiplayer!

    When the project officially launch (we only are doing the technical and art pass for now), I'll create a proper devlog!

  • Yes! That's motivating!Thanks

    The game was also playable at Bit Bash festival in Chicago last month!

  • I'm trying to do a small topdown thingy.

    In it, I want my player to move a bit in the direction he is moving when he attacks.

    To get the direction in which he is/was moving (with 8 movement behavior), I stock the Player.8direction.MovingAngle in a variable when he is moving (so it never returns to 0 except when it is the correct angle). This variable works.

    After that, I use Custom Movement to move the player (if I simply use the "Move at Angle" or "Move Forward" action it only 'teleports' the object). I use the action "Accelerate towards Angle" and use the variable I used before.

    And it doesn't work. I don't get why, sometimes it slightly change for a weird angle, but I really don't get where is the problem.

    Here is the event:

    And here is the capx:


    Thanks a lot for your help!

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  • I'll look into it, thanks

  • After doing some research, I found that what could be useful is the CurrentTime() expression from the Timer, but it only gives you the current time after each beat, so I don't know how you could use it to detect a range before a beat, or to make a level design that doesn't need the player to press for every beat.

    Maybe I can do it with the time (= Duration()), and make each range manually, but it wouldn't be very smart I guess?

    Any ideas?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Like some time of range before and after the on timer in which the player has to press the button?

  • Hi!

    I want to make a Rhythm game. I found in the forum a nice way to have the beat of the music, which is the basis of everything that follows.

    Basically what I do is that I have a variable "bpm" which corresponds to the bpm of my music, and I start a timer for 1/(bpm/60), bpm/60 = beat per second, and 1/bps = seconds per beat. It works pretty great.

    Then what I do is I add 1 to a variable "nbBeat" every time we are on timer (= every beat). With this I can keep track of the beats and their number. With this I can start special events at some point of the music, animate sprites accordingly, etc.

    I can also do some modulo to get the even numbers and do something with it. Anyway, you get the idea.

    Now what I want to do, is to check if a player tap the button at the corresponding beat (for now, every beat). And by extending this, I want to check if the player missed a bit or is pressing the button off beat.

    But I saw that you can't check for a button pressed and a OnTimer in the same event. What I did is that when we are OnTimer, I change a sprite to an animation. And then in another event I have "when this animation is playing AND player is pressing <key>", which set a boolean to true for the time of a beat. It's a bit crappy but it kinda works, not perfectly tho. Also, this solution doesn't work with the situation where the player miss a beat.

    So, here is my question:

    How can I check if the player is pressing a button on timer? How can I check if he missed a beat, or if he is off beat?

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    You can see the basic rhythm stuff with the timer here:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    And here are some crappy events of what I just explained;

  • Thanks, everybody!

    That is sooo much fun...and love the art..

    It would be really nice to have keys for drum...its really hard to keep time with the mouse click..

    excellent work....

    Thanks! The idea was that the guitar and the djembe are 2 different instruments, and you can't play both at the same time if you are alone. But if you bring someone with you, you can jam together!

  • Looks useful and well documented. I will try it as soon as I can. Thanks!

  • Campfire is a little game in which you sit by the campfire, and play guitar or djembe.

    1 or 2 players.

    You can play directly on the web version but I strongly recommend playing with the desktop version so you can play in fullscreen.

    You can play here : http://floriandcp.itch.io/campfire

    Or here for the web version : http://floriandcp.itch.io/campfire-web

    Hope you enjoy!

  • The environment of a musical game I'm working on:

    Characters (not here obviously) are animated and integrated, lights too, all I need to do now is to animate the fire (biggest challenge!).

  • Thanks a lot! I also had some typo errors.. now everything is working! And thanks again for the useful info.

  • Hello,

    I'm making a multiplayer top-down shooter game, played with gamepads.

    I can get player 1 moving with left stick, aiming with right stick, dodging with left button, shooting with right trigger, all on gamepad(0).

    To add a player 2, I cloned every assets and cloned the controls to fit player 2. Now my player 2 can move and dodge correctly, but he can't aim. I can't get the gamepad 1 Y axis.

    When looking into the capx, do you have any ideas why?

    Thanks a lot for your help.