fldr's Forum Posts

  • does anyone of you get adds shown in an build made with construct2 181 ?

    the reason im asking is, i have a game where adds worked fine (exported with construct2 180) and now after i exported with 181 there are no adds anymore, didnt change anything on the events or build options

  • you wont see them in the construct2 preview only in XDK

    https://software.intel.com/en-us/html5/ ... onstruct-2

  • Hi,

    with the old plugin i figured out how to show adds in my XDK build apks, the same games, exported with the new plugin/construct2 version doesnt show any adds. is there an other 3rd party plugin needed in XDK then the one we used with the previous admon plugin?

    best regards

  • i made 0,51€ so far with one (buggy) game and using admob

    but i only started using playstore a week ago

  • yeah its not perfect, i noticed some bugs and its not running well on every device and on some it doesnt even finish loading, like Samsung S3 mini and thats not so good because so many people use this phone

    but the apk is so small and on my old Sony Xperia Ray it does run with the same speed as the over twenty times huger (which is a real problem for older devices) crosswalk apk so im not sure what i should use.

    I decided to wait for some more feedback and numbers from the playstore on how its behaving on other peoples devices but for such small games im not sure anyone would spend over 50mb for having them.

    what device and android version do you use? just for my records

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  • im currently working on the multiplayer version

    having some problems with the wright synching but i hope to figure everything out at the weekend

  • Thanks for your feedback!

    the game was build with Intel XDK Cordova Build, the "normal" Android build, thats the same as phonegap wright?

  • Hi,

    i just released a new free game on Playstore <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... es.pongoal

    Feedback is always welcome, especially bug reports <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • did you guys have any problems on devices like Samsung S3 mini? my exported games seem not to finish loading on Samsung S3 mini and some Lenovo Tablet

  • Hi,

    it would be very nice if there would be an option to zoom in and out at the tilemapbar, sometimes its very hard for me to tell if its the tile im searching for.

  • maybe i should explain the problem some more, im currently making a "roguelikepeoplegenerator" where you choose body, hair, clothing and stuff and the can "export" it by taking a snapshot and open it in a new tab. thats functioning fine but i would really like to add a textbox where you could insert a name for the resulting png. i couldnt find wright events for doing that? can somebody help me?

    edit: ok im dumb, didnt read the mannual wright

  • hmm thats not so good for me ^^

    however my tileset is 15*15 with 2px gaps between tiles, so i thought i could just say the tiles are 16*16, the gaps be 1*1 (and the tiles should have an offset of -1x and -1y so there are no gaps) but it just messes everything really up, tiles are not the same as shown in editor and much more glitches, even if i dont set an offset its exactly the same result, no gaps but wrong tiles and glitches

  • Thanks!

    sadly i cant, the tiles are like they are and i dont think i can stretch them by 1px and still let them look good or do you know a solution for that?

  • Hi,

    i noticed a strange thing in my current project, the tilemap always gets blurry no matter what i tryed.

    like here

    im using the settings the tilemap told me too (letterbox integer scale, pixel rounding and point sampling), i also set fullscreen scaling to high and also downscaling, but all i could achieve by setting different options was to make it look worse

    tiles are 15*15 and windowsize is 120*80

    in the picture above you can see a normal sprite, same resolution as the tiles which is drawn sharp.

    is this a bug or did i do something wrong?

  • sure you can!

    go to the "Projects" tab then on the right side under "Cordova 3.X Hybrid..."->"Build Settings"-> choose the wirght tab, for crosswalk its "Android Crosswalk" first field in the list is App ID