Flava621's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Thanks for your feedback and ideas. I think I might use it as an 'ice breaker' in week 1 to do some fun / rapid / simple game development. It will give me a chance to look over ppl's shoulders too to see if they have any core literacy or cognitive problems as well. I'll be sure to post back any tutorials that I might put together for my class to the community here to use. Looks like you have a great community happening, I'll be sure to get the students signed up to it.

  • I work as a teacher at a college in Australia, and I'm thinking of using Contruct 2 as a bit of a 'entry test' or aptitude test for future students considering our 'digital and interactive game design course'.

    Our course is designed as an entry point to learning how to design and code games (and associated skills like modelling and animation). It's always hard to advise potential students on their suitability for such training, but I love the idea of being able to use a tool like Construct to temporarily remove the complexities of writing code and concentrate simple level design and 'conceptual' visual coding.

    What are ppl's thoughts on this as an entry test before enrolling to a full year intro to game design course? Would you freak out <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> if you were given a half hour intro to Contruct 2, then given an hour or so to knock out a simple level or functioning game sequence.

    Any comments appreciated.

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  • Looking forward to knocking out some quick games <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 3 posts