Fickleflame's Forum Posts

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    Alexander Lidström

  • I'm creating a relatively simple drawing app (B&W and a single brush) and need help increasing the pasting speed of my one and only brush. For those unfamiliar with how brushes work, one image - the brush tip - is pasted over and over at predetermined intervals following a predetermined behavioural algorithm. At the moment in my app, the pasting happens every tick.

    Onto my question: how do I go about increasing the tick rate to paste more images? I saw somewhere on the forums that putting the app in slow motion doesn't do the trick, is this wrong?

    At the moment I'm using a work-around consisting of two alternating dots with two lines bridging the gap between them every tick. This results in a fairly clumsy line/mess. Is it possible to mimic brush engines in Construct3?

    Also, down the line, I'll need to incorporate pressure sensitivity. Any early thoughts would be appreciated since I can't find the topic mentioned on the forums (Ipad app btw).

    Anyway, thanks for any and all help!

  • Wow, thanks. You've completely sent me back on the right track! I've been stuck for a while and didn't realise there was a Drawing canvas (whoops).

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  • I've set up a mapping function to plan out dungeon levels using various shapes. This results in black or white pixels. Is there a simple way to detect what's where and turn things solid if they're one or the other?

  • 4 posts