Fib's Forum Posts

  • That really all depends on what kind of game it is, who the audience is, and whether or not you're going to sell it for money.

    What genre is the game? Is it just for your friends/family or are you going to publish it somewhere? Is it a desktop, web, or mobile game?

  • I 100% understand what you're talking about. The sense I get from looking at the forums is that no one is working on any "popular" games, like something you would see on Steam with more mature themes. I get a feeling most people use Construct purely just to mess around, or to make arcade-y mobile games. I'm not saying that's all there ever is, or that's even a bad thing, but that's 90% of what I see.

    I'd personally like to more games made in currently trending genres (2020) that release on Steam. Like rogue-likes (Dead Cells, Hades, etc.) or base building / economy sim / survival games (Factorio, RimWorld, etc.). But those are massive projects that take a lot of time and skill to complete so I understand why Construct users don't make them. But I'm just hoping someday in the near future to see at least one person launch a financially successful game on Steam.

  • Collisions on a tilemap happen on a per tile basis. So if your sprite is overlapping an empty space in the tilemap then nothing will happen. Make sure your sprite overlaps an actual tile, and not only that, but within the tiles collision polygon (since you can edit a tile's collision polygon).

  • I think that's dependent on which version of WebView you are running on Android. Maybe research and see if you can enable webgl2 on your webview version. You may need to update your webview or even update your Android version.

  • You should definitely not hard code dates like that. There are patterns in our calendar that are not too hard to figure out since we live it out every day. So instead you should use math to compute what dates fall on which day of the week while also taking into account leap years.

    So you should just create a UI that can display the information from your computations. So there's no need to store data (in an array for example) to figure out the calendar since it's all computations. The only data you should be storing are holidays and user entered appointments.

    A quick google brought up this website: It seems a little juvenile at first but shows you a lot of the math required to compute what you're looking for. Maybe not everything but should be a good starting point.

  • Mipmaps improve the rendering quality and performance when downscaling sprites smaller than their source image. It's a similar case to a far-away texture in 3D - it's just another way it appears resized smaller.

    Ok gotcha. Do mipmaps only get applied when an individual object is scaled down? Or do mipmaps also apply to layer scale and layout scale?

  • Since a c3p project file is composed of mostly text files, established tools like Git can also merge multiple changes into one project file. Does your tool differ in anyway from how Git would do it?

  • Reading the manual on Downscaling has got me interested..... Hey Ashley, could you explain why a 2D game would use mipmaps?

    My understanding is that mipmapping is for 3D games so that the texture can automatically be swapped out to a lower res texture if the object's distance from the camera is too far away. Isn't it true that in a 2D game (actual 2D not 2.5D you would see in the likes of Unity) the distance objects are from the camera is always the same? So what advantage would a technique like mipmaps add to a 2D game other than just increasing memory usage at runtime (to store all the mipmapped textures).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • No it's never happened to me. I would probably create a bug report if no one else can help.

  • Two options:

    1. Track the player's lives in a global variable

    2. Make the player object a global object

    If you only need to track a few variables then making them global variables may be best. But if you need to keep track of lots of instance variables, then making the object global may be best.

  • You should be able to test out if it's a problem with the way C3 generates sprite sheets.

    1. Export your project as HTML5

    2. Download the zip file

    3. Open the zip file and navigate to the "images" folder

    4. Open the sprite sheet that contains the sprite in question

    5. Observe whether or not there's edge bleeding contained in the sprite sheet

    Let me know what you find.

  • This happened to me just a single time last night with browser tab preview set. I pressed the preview button on accident and quickly closed out the preview tab before it was done loading. Then the tab with C3 running in it was greyed out and I couldn't interact with anything.

  • Thanks for the insight DiegoM. I'm glad it's already on your radar. I hope to see it implemented soon.


  • Hello,

    I was messing around with timelines today and trying to animate some sprites. I assumed I would be able to change the animation frame on the sprite in the timeline. But to my surprise that property is missing (see image below).

    I feel like animating the sprite frame in the timeline is essential.

    Does anyone else agree? If so, please click the following link and add some votes to my Aha Idea:


  • I've actually had the same struggles. I agree that it should work how you're expecting but I can't tell you why it doesn't.