FGLmatt's Forum Posts

  • Greetings!

    My name is Matt, and I'm from FGL.com. In a nutshell, we help indie game devs distribute and monetize their creations, and we believe we're the best at doing so. As the title says, we're offering up to $200 in advance to implement our API into your HTML5 game. We're excited to announce that it now includes a plugin for Construct 2! We're offering to pay you to implement it because we're confident your HTML5 game will make money. Many developers on our platform already are. That's due in part to the great games developers are producing using software such as Construct 2, and our active approach to the HTML5 market. We've helped HTML5 game developers earn over $500,000 in 2014 so far, and earnings continue to rise right along the general interest in HTML5.

    What the API currently offers:

    • Ads
    • Cross promotion
    • Simple IAP's (premium unlock)
    • Publisher branding
    • Scoreboards

    We're actively building upon the API, so we have other exciting features on the road map.

    Once the API is implemented into your game, it gives us the power and flexibility to rapidly distribute it (with your permission of course). Whether a publisher purchases a license for it, or a marketplace wants to offer it in their catalog, we can manipulate the API on our end and deliver your game to their exact specifications. I highly suggest checking out the API for yourself to see how easy it is to work with!

    You'll find the API and further information here: fgl[dot]com/html5

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


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