FGLmatt's Forum Posts

  • - It doesn't take very long at all. But since we have so many requests, Robert isn't replying if everything is OK with your paperwork. He'll only have time to respond if there's an issue. But if everything is OK, he schedules your payment right away. I suppose everything went smoothly with yours, because our records show your payment was sent yesterday.

  • FGLmatt, thanks for the additional information.

    Other than the $200 to integrate the API, what benefits do you see with your platform, as opposed to competing platforms? Buongiorno, TreSensa, etc.

    Our largest differentiation is simply who we are. We've been around nearly 8 years, in which time we've helped developers earn over $16,000,000, mainly through licensing. The overwhelming bulk of money in HTML5 at the moment is in licensing. We've helped 11,000 titles get licensed through FGL. Some of the worlds most successful companies (along with thousands of other growing businesses, marketplaces, portals) license games off of FGL every single day. We've already earned developers over $500,000 with their HTML5 games this year so far, again mostly through licensing. We're simply putting our money where our mouth is with the $200 advance, because we believe we will make you money. I'm not sure any of these other companies out there can currently compete with the success we've brought developers over the years.

    But if I were you, and there weren't any conflicts, I'd put my game on all of these services to find out for myself.

    > There's a few ways we distribute. The newest method is through our upcoming HTML5 GameShop. It's simply an e-commerce site for HTML5 games.


    When approximately the new HTML5 GameShop will be launched? I already have some games on the $200 program. I don't want to have the work to also send my games to the actual GameShop, since this can be replaced by the new in anytime.

    You won't have to do anything other than say "Yes" when we ask if we can place it into the HTML5 GameShop. As long as your games utilize the branding feature, you're already set.

  • fgl has released an ad platform.

    We don't have a standalone in-game ad platform for HTML5 games, only Flash and native mobile. But we do run in-game ads if you put your game on our HTML5 mobile platform, and integrate our API. You get access to many features, as well as ads. Even if you have a version of your game with someone else's ads in it, I highly suggest also creating a version with FGL's API integrated. We actively distribute and help sell licenses of these games for you. We'll also pay you upfront to implement the API.

    EDIT: I don't have the rep to post a link, but you can find my post in this forum that talks about it. It's called "We'll pay you up to $200 to implement our API"

  • >

    > There's a few.


    • We actively manage the ads to provide the best eCPM as possible (currently around $9).
    • >
    • Your game will be cross-promoted with other games on our platform (hundreds of games across a growing number of distribution channels).
    • >
    • We have relationships with the companies we distribute to - for instance, we work closely with Amazon to get featured indie sections on the front page of the Amazon app store. Even if your game doesn't get featured, it will be cross-promoted with games that are.
    • >
    • Your game will be easily licensable from our GameShop because a buyer will be able to simply upload their branding, choose which features of the API they want active, buy, and download the game to their specs. You don't have to do anything. And we just send you the money.
    • >
    • We're paying you in advance (up to $200) to implement our API.


    > FGL takes 30% off the net revenue of your game in our platform.


    • Can you go into a bit more detail on how the licensing/branding works with TGL's partners? Examples of who they are, and what, if any, part of the licensing progress the developer is part of: eg if we don't want our games licensed, or licensed by specific types of companies.
    • When you say download, are you referring to source or just a version of the game that can be served on X platform?
    • What are common licensing terms/payouts for such an arrangement?


    • There's a few ways we distribute. The newest method is through our upcoming HTML5 GameShop. It's simply an e-commerce site for HTML5 games. Publishers will be able to search through and add as many games as they want to their cart, upload their logo, and it gets injected into your game without needing you to manually do it. They then pay us for a non-exclusive license of the game, are given a download link to download everything they chose, and then we pay you. We'll ask you if you want your game in the shop at the beginning, and if you say yes, basically that will give us consent to sell it to anyone who wants to buy it. We also currently sell licenses for HTML5 games in our current GameShop, but it's not as dynamic to the purchaser. The other distribution method is to rev-share marketplaces (Amazon, BigRebel). Regarding these partners, we ask your permission each time we have the opportunity to distribute your game to a new marketplace.
    • Just a version of the game that can be served on X platform
    • Non-exclusive licenses sell for whatever you want to sell them for. Typical deals go for between $400 - $1000. Rev-share deals vary based mostly on ad CPM. We're currently seeing $9 eCPM on Amazon distributed games. BigRebel games get paid 14 cents per play (they don't allow ads or other monetization methods). You can find more about the deals we have with each of our partners in our forums.
  • >

    > Unfortunately you can't use the features of our SDK without submitting the integrated game through us. If you tried to publish your game with our SDK in it, all the placeholder stuff would remain placeholders. We have to process each game on our end.


    What benefit is there to submitting through FGL, as opposed to directly to portals? When submitting through FGL, what is the potential revenue split on advertising and other purchases related to FGL SDK integration?

    There's a few.

    • We actively manage the ads to provide the best eCPM as possible (currently around $9).
    • Your game will be cross-promoted with other games on our platform (hundreds of games across a growing number of distribution channels).
    • We have relationships with the companies we distribute to - for instance, we work closely with Amazon to get featured indie sections on the front page of the Amazon app store. Even if your game doesn't get featured, it will be cross-promoted with games that are.
    • Your game will be easily licensable from our GameShop because a buyer will be able to simply upload their branding, choose which features of the API they want active, buy, and download the game to their specs. You don't have to do anything. And we just send you the money.
    • We're paying you in advance (up to $200) to implement our API.

    FGL takes 30% off the net revenue of your game in our platform.

  • Gotchya. That makes sense. Are there any plans to do something clay.io-ish where I could use the plugin and SDk, and somehow, or eventually, use your information platform with games that I want to submit to Windows 8, Android, or other platforms?

    Eventually this will be available, but I can't be sure when. It's definitely something our engineers are working toward though.

    do u distributing to facebook and IOS ?

    We are not currently distributing to Facebook, nor to iOS app store.

  • So how does this work? I'll admit I haven't read anything from you site yet so I'm asking this with complete ignorance. Can we use the plugin with your API and post the game else where as well? Such as, could I use it, post my game on my personal website, and still have everything work?

    Sorry, time is limited and it might be a few days until I can delve into your program.

    Unfortunately you can't use the features of our SDK without submitting the integrated game through us. If you tried to publish your game with our SDK in it, all the placeholder stuff would remain placeholders. We have to process each game on our end.

  • FGLmatt

    Could you please pass on to the programmers.

    Thank you very much for your efforts for a C2 plugin. This plugin will go very well over with the community. Although could please add more "isFeatureXEnabled" also added the expression. That way we as developers could use the plugin with inline coding.m Thanks you guys rock

    I will definitely pass that along, thanks for the feedback!

    i now have the web app tester and all my games look normal played in it, damn i dont know whats going wrong

    I see that you've been currently working with our team to troubleshoot your issues. Hopefully it'll be squared away soon.

  • FGLmatt

    Hey Matt, thanks for coming here and letting us know. We had another thread going on about the FGL api. So does this mean your team will be making an official plugin? Many... ok most developers here use C2 to either avoid JS programming or flat out can't write code at all. So they use C2 which is amazing robust model for VPL and game plugins are just fantastic.

    Some one did make an attempt to make a Plugin, but was unfinished. I wrote a pure CAPX use of your SDK and posted to my site at( ). Also Maor my pure CAPX will let you test with Preview. Otherwise you can't test the ads feature without loading the fgl.js.

    So Matt, if you really want the C2 community to jump on board. Most will need an official plugin.

    Also I would like to add In app purchases to my game on FGL, but in the mean time until your read. Do you have a suggestion? GoogleWallet, Amazon?... what would be the best based on distribution clients that FGL offers.

    Hi jayderyo,

    Yes, we have an official plugin created by our team! Check out the new version of the API for yourself, and please let us know if you have feedback.

    Regarding IAP's, you don't need to use specific service. Our API hooks into any IAP system that it gets published on and uses their service. You just need to follow the documentation on how to implement IAP's in our API.

  • I've got only one doubt left... Do I have to take my game out from the GameShop to submit it to this new service? I read it's like a new GameShop for HTML5 where you're gonna publish the game to amazon and other appstore and besides you're gonna offer the game for non-exclusive licenses, so that sounds like the normal GameShop shouldn't be used for HTML5 games now. Am I wrong?

    No, you don't. We encourage you to keep it in the GameShop for the time being. We currently don't have a way for publishers seeking to license games to view our mobile platform catalog, so we refer them to the GameShop. We're actually working on something really exciting to help with that, and make buying non-exclusive licenses of HTML5 incredibly easy for publishers.

    ...you should try contacting Ashley or Tom to remove restrictions for your account, I think they would do it since fgl provides services to html5 users (which includes construct users as well).

    Good idea, I'll try

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  • FGLmatt

    I would love to test the api in my game, but for some reason I'm getting the following error message when trying to run the example project (Im using C2 r168)

    [quote:2g6fr230]Javascript error! UncoughtTypeError: Cannot call method 'next' of undifined , line 193 (col undefined)

    Few more questions:

    1. The Unlock Premium feature is great for "Freemium" distribution model , but does not allow in-app purchase. Do you plan to add such feature? I think that many game developers would be thankful if the could implement "fun money" mechanism and/or "game shop" were you can buy items that will serve you in the game (like a better vehicle, extra life, spells etc.)

    2. When running InitiateUnlockFunction - how can I specify the required action to unlock? (it may be "pay x" or "share to x friends" etc...)

    3. On ShowAd - how do I set the ad position on my layout? what is the ad size?

    4. What is the average PPC you are paying on ad clicks? I couldn't find this data on your site


    1. We are definitely working toward true in-app purchases in HTML5. Luckily we already have systems in place from our other services such as Gamersafe that will make the transition easier, though I'm not exactly sure when it will be ready, but it's on the road map.

    2. Basically you have a function you can call which begins the process of 'unlocking' the game to premium mode, this will launch an in-app-payment window. You set the price later on when you upload it to the mobile platform.

    3. Thanks Kyatric for the answer - You don't.

    4. Currently, we're seeing around $10 eCPM for games going through our platform. Not bad atm!

  • > 54 views, and some from high quality buyers is actually pretty good for HTML5 games. At this point, there aren't as many companies buying large amounts of HTML5 games, but it's growing. That's why I suggested maybe taking part in our promo to get things started and get some money in your pocket. Outside of the GameShop, it gives us access to more actively shop your game.


    Hi matt,

    I've actually never understood well that promo... The only part I understand is that you pay till $200 if devs submit an html5 implementing your api.

    Hi there,

    We're paying up to $200 (based on how much of the API is implemented) in advance if you implement the API, yes. Have you had a chance to look over the promo page or the API documentation? It's super easy. Since I don't have the rep here yet, I can't post a link, but if you check the other post in this forum, a kind person has linked to the actual promotion. If you have further questions, please ask them there, or simply PM me or email me. It's matt@ (you know the rest)

  • Thanks newt

  • 54 views, and some from high quality buyers is actually pretty good for HTML5 games. At this point, there aren't as many companies buying large amounts of HTML5 games, but it's growing. That's why I suggested maybe taking part in our promo to get things started and get some money in your pocket. Outside of the GameShop, it gives us access to more actively shop your game.

  • Hi there,

    I highly suggest trying to put your game in FGL's GameShop. You can list it for whatever price you want, but obviously you'll want to be reasonable. We're selling more and more HTML5 non-exclusive licenses everyday, and interest continues to grow. You aren't risking anything by giving yourself more options to recoup development costs. It doesn't cost anything to post games on FGL. We only expect commission if your game sells licenses.

    If the game is mobile-ready, we're also running a promotion where we're paying up to $200 advance simply to implement our API. I made a post about it in this forum recently. You might check that out.

    Good luck!