Ferzzola's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Now, you can tell the function, but that requires passing it some data that allows it find the instance again. This is called the uid. You feed this to the function by passing it as a parameter, and you select the object by 'picking' it, using the condition pick by uid within the function.

    An easier way of going about this, in most cases, is to use families to test for collision events, allowing you to minimize redundant events, while still having multiple object types.

    Thanks, i will try that. Thank you very much.

  • Hi. Please, help! Im very new in Construct 2. Im learning while I make a plataform & sword game.

    My problem is: when there is only one dragon in game, the game works great. You can play it here: https://db.tt/q1ORicv2.

    But when there are two dragons, it does not matter which one I hit, the two flash and die even if one was untouched. You can see the capx here (it has platform+ installed): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106 ... arian.capx

    Please, help!

  • I just tried this on Kongregate and didn't see any red numbers, and it plays fine.

    Edit: when I say debug-console I mean run the game on Newgrounds in Chrome and press F12.

    YES! The problem was that araña thing. Bad ñ. Thanks a lot, blackhornet!

  • Hey! That was really useful. I think the problem is caused by a image call araña and its not working for the ñ character (spanish character). I will try renaming that image and see what happens!

  • Edit: when I say debug-console I mean run the game on Newgrounds in Chrome and press F12.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, i see! I will try that right now! Thanks!

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  • I just tried this on Kongregate and didn't see any red numbers, and it plays fine.

    Yes, It was uploaded vía iframe option. The file upload gimme the problem im refering.

    Newgrounds does not have an iframe option, so i am unable to upload to that site.

  • I'm not clear what the problems is. Is it just that the loading is giving a red progress and then the game plays fine?

    I'll explain with more details. The game works fine from my site and from Dropbox, you can see it here: http://www.centerplay.com/day-of-the-purple-smurfs

    But when I upload to sites like Kongregate or Newgrounds (following the instructions in each case), THIS PARTICULAR GAME gives this error (the numbers turning red) and the game never start (i have uploaded others games with no problem)

    Im using the same html5 files for Dropbox, Centerplay, Kongregate and Newgrounds, and I have this problem in Kongregate and Newgrounds only.

    The game dont show any errors in debug mode

  • Bring up the debug-console (F12 in Chrome) to see what error messages are being pumped out.

    Hi, thanks for answer! Where in debug mode are displayed the errors?

    I just played the entire game without seen any error message.


  • Day of the Purple Smurfs it's my first game in Construct 2, so I choose a easy game to emulate. The game is hard and frustrating, but same was the Smurf Rescue for the Coleco Vision.

    Im getting a lot of troubles uploading the game to Kongregate / Newgrounds. I do what instructions tell me, but in both cases im getting red numbers in the loader. If anyone can help me, please go to this thread. Thanks!

  • When I upload this game either in Newgrounds or Kongregate, in every case im getting red numbers in the loader (as in the screenshot). I was able to upload the game in Kongregate, via iframe, but that option is not present in Newgrounds.

    I zip all the files with the index.html in the root, and upload to the site. But this happen every time. And its only with this game, I was able to upload another game made in Construct 2 without problem. What needs to be done?


  • ¡Hi there! Im super noob, and after the beginners tutorials i started a more complex project, to keep learning. Im loving Construct 2. This is GatoLoco: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106 ... index.html

    So far, so good... but... I have a problem, I want a frog to jump from one platform to another. This is the logic, and it works fine until it fails.

    Sometimes the frog fails to jump, even if there is a colision with "saposalto". I put 3 saposalto objects in line, so if one fail there are others, but the problem continues.

    I know placing three saposalto objects for each jump is kind of gross, but i was trying to understand why the frog fails to collision with saposalto and falls, and if that was a workaround (but no).

    Can somebody help me? Is there a more easy way to do this? Thanks!

  • 11 posts