fenixdown's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • , Ahh, well, looking forward to checking it out when you get around to posting it.

    , agreed. It's nice that there are separate forum posts for each, but one big amalgamated list of each platform with games released for each would be nice. Kudos on your games!

    , very cool! And congrats on getting some apps out there into the wild.

    It'd be great to see this list grow. Anyone else have iOS published apps they'd like to contribute?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Very cool! I was unable to find the game on the app store, but the videos look like good fun. - Thanks for sharing!

  • Hello there!

    I've noticed that there's a nice pool of games for Kongregate, Google Play, Steam, etc., but no lists for iOS games. While I know Construct currently doesn't support native code, I figured 'someone here has to have made a few games for Apple devices'. I've found a few titles through the forum searches, but it's proving to be more difficult than I would've hoped. If a list is already in existence could someone point me to it? And if not, would anyone be willing to reply with their game's info and a link? I'd love to see what games are coming out of construct for the iOS platform.


  • Hello there!

    I've been perusing the forums and I can't seem to find a close enough resolve for my issue, so I thought I would ask a question here.

    I'm working on a basic runner game where the platforms spawn based off some array values off screen and scroll into view for your player to jump on/avoid/etc. I'm currently using the 'bullet' behavior to move my objects to the left (towards my player) but I'm noticing some artifacting (jaggy edges) with my platforms when I test it out (both in Chrome, and as an exported NW.JS > .exe). It's almost as if the game is trying to draw/redraw the box over itself as it's moving. It also seems to be somewhat hitchy in the movement.

    As a note, I've also tried the route of making a huge scene and moving my player to the right+scrollx (using the lerp() function) and that worked well(ish), but I don't know how well construct would handle such a huge scene - as that seems somewhat suboptimal (100000x1080) especially if I start to incorporate more moving parts. That being said, I've seen some of the really nicely done games in construct that look like they could have some pretty large layouts (KLANG, Iconoclasts, Next Penelope, etc.) So mayhaps it's doable and more optimal than I am assuming?

    Anyhow, all replies are welcome. Thanks in advance!

  • 4 posts