Fedemcuru's Forum Posts

  • Hello.

    I am developing a game for Android using pixelart, the game's orientation is portrait.

    Your solution is very interesting to me because I am looking for the same solution, eliminating the black borders added using Letterbox Integer Scale but without losing pixel perfect relation. Its an hybrid between letterbox integer and scale outer.

    As I said before, my game uses portrait orientation so applying your solution to my code looks like this:

    On start of layout--------------------Set HorizScale to floor(browser.ScreenWidth/320)

    ----------------------------------------------Set VertScale to floor(browser.ScreenHeight/480)

    ----------------------------------------------Set canvas size to browser.ScreenWidth x browser.ScreenHeight

    ||||---------VertScale< HorizScale-----Set layout scale to VertScale

    ||||---------Else-------------------------------Set layout scale to HorizScale

    ||||----------------------------------------------Scroll to ((LayoutWidth/2),(LayoutHeight/2))

    But I am not getting the results I was hoping for.

    Maybe there is something wrong with my "conversion" to portrait orientation.

  • amalpaul92

    I generated the eot file from Fontsquirrel's web font generator.

    Then in C2 I simply uploaded the files inside the software:

    But for some reason now is not working as it should. I can see the font loaded on the Simulate tab in Intel XDK, but when I generate the apk and install it on my phone, it does not load.

  • Thanks for the answer, but if I use scale inner or scale outer, the pixels result deformed.

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  • Hello,

    I am developing a game for Android using C2, is pixel art based, and I'm using point sampling and pixel rounding.

    Currently I'm working on a window size of 270x480 (portrait orientation)

    The problem is when it comes to scaling, it adds black bars when the display ratio isn't 16:9 and can't scale using an integer number (x1, x2, x3, etc, because of integer scaling). But if I use Scale Outer it results in deformed pixels. Isn't there a way of adapting the window size to any (or at least a big amount of) screen?

    Thanks for the help!

  • Hello, about a year has passed since this post but I think I found the solution for your problem aquinn

    I just put the font type .eot (embedded open type) generated with Fontsquirrel's generator, put those files and CSS inside Construct. Then exported the project for Cordova using new intel xdk project format. And from Intel XDK generated the apk and no problems loading the font

    I had tried lots of times with the other types (ttf, woff, woff2, svg) but then I realized that eot was embedded so I tried that one and it worked!