I am developing a game for Android using pixelart, the game's orientation is portrait.
Your solution is very interesting to me because I am looking for the same solution, eliminating the black borders added using Letterbox Integer Scale but without losing pixel perfect relation. Its an hybrid between letterbox integer and scale outer.
As I said before, my game uses portrait orientation so applying your solution to my code looks like this:
On start of layout--------------------Set HorizScale to floor(browser.ScreenWidth/320)
----------------------------------------------Set VertScale to floor(browser.ScreenHeight/480)
----------------------------------------------Set canvas size to browser.ScreenWidth x browser.ScreenHeight
||||---------VertScale< HorizScale-----Set layout scale to VertScale
||||---------Else-------------------------------Set layout scale to HorizScale
||||----------------------------------------------Scroll to ((LayoutWidth/2),(LayoutHeight/2))
But I am not getting the results I was hoping for.
Maybe there is something wrong with my "conversion" to portrait orientation.