fedca's Forum Posts

  • yea I noticed that rewriting stuff in js also leads to worse performance if it's just a simple event. I was able to get better performance if I was doing some heavy stuff on the instances, as this evens out the initial overhead.

    The reason for it seems to be that getting the instances is slow, no matter if using the iterator or getting the array of instances, maybe due to runtime glue or because they are lazy created? (getting instances by UID was fast again)

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  • 100% agree, Overboys addon is great! (most of your recent posts make me feel like I'm not alone xD)

    This plus nested families would allow writing so so much cleaner, more scalable and more performant events as you can get rid of a lot of picking spaghetti and for each.

  • Downside of tweens is that "is tween running" is super slow. Value tween checks seem to be fast (tested with sprite.twee.value(tag) != 0) but when it also has to check the property tweens it becomes slow af.

  • jup I brought this up before and wrote a suggestion to turn timers into true triggers.

    It's not only bad for perf it also leads to the weird case where -> on timer triggers with multiple instances picked. (this lead to c3 user actually adding for each to every trigger as they stopped trusting triggers altogether, leading to even worse performance xD)

  • sure, then their would need to be a bigger effort in extending the sdk so there is less need to hack in stuff.

    I personally don't see how not being able to solve an issue at all is better than taking the risk of something breaking in the future.

  • made an effect that allows you to fade out a sprite from the edges, has a bunch of properties that allow for a wide variety of uses, how soft, how round, how large etc. Here are some example use cases (you can also invert the effect by choosing a larger Outer than Inner property):


  • I think this is an issue with your testing, as on fall triggers one tick late (so it triggers with one tick of gravity already applied afaik)

  • There is the built in posterize effect, but I have already experimented with one that allows you to also set the colors palette, might finish it one day

  • New effect:

    Procedural animated God Rays, effect has very little performance cost. Based on a shader for Godot (godotshaders.com).


  • You can still do stuff like this, but you'd need to spawn objects and transform their positions yourself

  • yea in other engines you usually have a setting to make the particles position transformed with the particle spawners position. In c3 that setting is sadly missing.

  • This is the last place I expected to see robotpencil, what a legend! I still have some of your gumroad tutorials on my pc! xD

    Good luck with your game!

  • You can play timelines animations anywhere with the timeline manager object.

    Sadly afaik there is no way to mirror the timeline animations, this has also been the main reason I didn't end up using them for most boss animations in my platformer

  • I started porting some of the effects made by user "Somebody" for Construct 2.

    now supporting C3, webGL and webGPU.


    only render every nth pixel



    Flag or flame like distortion



    Trim the image by a certain percentage:


  • array.IndexOf(0), this works as empty array cells return null

    edit: sorry I just read you are looking for a specific collumn, my bad