FatesjokeStudios's Forum Posts

  • Okay, so after a couple of dozen attempts at fixing the problem I finally managed to figure it out.

    Essentially I put a check for purchases in the wrong spot. I had it check for the upgrade purchase on the splash screen, which for some reason caused things to not function properly on the settings screen where the bulk of the actual items are.

    Long story short; I removed all references to the purchase check except for the settings screen and cleaned up some duplicate Google sign-ins and everything is working perfectly now.

  • So I'm having problems getting the items in the Mobile IAP addon to show as available within the game. Running the latest stable version of C3.

    I've confirmed the items are Active in the console and another app I use for testing has the exact same configuration working perfectly. So I have no idea what the issue might be. I'm hoping to get some help here.

    Here's a screenshot of the events I'm using:

    Here is a link to the c3p: https://fatesjokestudios.com/RoVIAPProblem.c3p

    I've added text to see where the break in the event is happening and it seems to be where the item is available for purchase, but I've confirmed multiple times that it is active, the name matches, etc.

    The weirdest thing about this is that a couple of months ago this was working fine and I didn't even think to test it again until I added an option to upgrade the game,then when I noticed that wasn't working I checked the older items I had for sale and they were also not working.

    Any thoughts?

    Edit: Fixed link

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  • I have a few apps I am currently working on and went to build an apk after updating to r111.

    The first time I got the following 2 errors in Android Studio after exporting as an AS Project and compiling the apk:

    error: incompatible types: PluginResult cannot be converted to boolean error: cannot find symbol variable result

    Thinking it might be something else I compiled an apk with an existing export of a different app and had no problem at all.

    Then I exported a new copy of app #2 and tried to compile an apk and got the exact same errors.

    So, it is something related to the r111 update and nothing to do with AS or my computer, which is good, lol.

    I'm also getting a weird error when exporting as a signed apk direct from C3.

    Anyone else run into this?

  • Hey, all.

    So, I'm trying to send a saved state of a game I am working on to a database on my server so that the saved state can be downloaded onto another device without losing any progress.

    I've got a trigger to save the game, insert the saved game into an array slot as a json, then send that SaveStateJSON to the database via a php script.

    It's the same method I use in the game to send single pieces of information without a problem. So I know the mechanics work just fine.

    The problem I am running into is that I keep getting an error when I watch it in the browser console that says the URI is too long. Looking at the url it is 23,821 characters in length (down from around 85,000 after putting the no-save behavior on every sprite and text field) which is still too long for the POST to happen via AJAX.

    Is there a step I can take to condense the data? It seems like there should be an easy answer that I am missing.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: I am using C3 for this project, if that makes a difference.

  • mikva, any update on what you got to work and how you managed to do it?

    I've been using AJAX to POST and GET but I am running into some issues with implementing push notifications because I need to connect to FCM in order for them to work it seems.

    Your work might be helpful to me or if it isn't what I need then I am down for getting in on paying HaydenJ for a add-on.

  • With a recent update to Android Studio it is a lot easier to add the app icon. Ignore all the above steps and follow just the ones below. As long as you don't delete the project folder between builds you won't even have to re-upload the image, just save it again and it'll automatically pull the correct image assuming you haven't moved it.

    *Now for the actual app icon- in Android Studio right click the "res" folder in your project (must be in Android view) and go to New --> Image Asset.

    *C3 seems to call the app icon "icon" so you'll want to change the image asset name to "icon" and then simply import a 512x512 png file and save it.

  • Agreed.

    Some sort of up monitor would be awesome. I've got to leave for work in an hour and was hoping to get a new build of my app uploaded to the Play store before I left. But for the past hour I've gotten errors when trying to export as an Android Project.

  • Okay, I more or less figured it out. Here is my solution if anyone else needs the help:

    I set the text in a text object with the action of "Set text to"

    RegexSearch(LastData, "[\*].+?[\*]+$", "m"[/code:31of9bu9]. I injected an asterisk in the data being retrieved after the date. Then by cutting the text using left() and right() to separate the date and the text string I was able to get it working.
  • This is probably simple for people that play around with RegEx quite a bit but I am having a hard time wrapping my head around how to make this work properly in C3.

    What I am doing is pulling from a database using PHP and AJAX. I want to dump the result into a text field and then parse that data using RegEx so I can either push it into an array or simply put the "pieces" into different text fields. For example, this is what the LastData would look like:

    "Testing, marker. Apr 15 2018 13:09 Sam smith Apr 15 2018 13:09 Testing, marker, again. Apr 15 2018 14:09 Sam Jones Apr 15 2018 15:09"

    I would like it to look like this:

    "Testing, marker."

    "Apr 15 2018 13:09"

    "Sam smith"

    "Apr 15 2018 13:09"


    Playing around with RegEx on regex101.com I get some results if I use this expression: [\'].+?[\']|[^,]+$ and add the single quotation marks to the strings I want to isolate. But when I test that in C3 all I can manage is searching the data for the first instance of the quotation mark.

    Any help is appreciated!

  • I'm trying to get geolocation to function properly in an app I am building and am running into problems with it not always working as designed. So I'm testing it locally and seeing that the feature tends to return an error pretty frequently.

    I read and reread the Geolocation part of the manual and have been playing around with the example linked in the manual. I keep coming across the same problem. Sometimes the plugin works perfectly and I can get the position to show dozens and dozens of times without an issue. Then it suddenly stops working and give a timeout error.

    Doing some testing and checking the timestamp, the only thing I can figure out is that it limits the requests in a 10 minute and ten second span of time because in both my app and the example I get the exact same timestamp with the timeout and they are in 10:10 increments. Even though the example is set for a 10 second timeout and my app is set for 30.

    Anyone know why this is and how to get around it? I need more frequent geolocation info than 10 minutes.

  • So, I was unable to figure this out using Cocoon. Decided to just use AS moving forward and am having no problems.

  • I've just encountered the same problem.

    I was able to get geolocation permission just fine when exporting as an Android Studio Project and building my apk from there but today I tried switching over to cocoon.io (because I was getting annoyed with AS) and building my apk there which solved some problems but introduced the problem of not having access to geolocation.

    I'm guessing it is actually a cocoon issue because it was working in AS but I also switched from downloading as an AS Project to HTML5. So that might be it.

    Still doing some testing to figure out where the actual problem is.