Fanguide's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • hit me up at and check my post to look at the HUGE game project post i made for details on my game. I could use some good feedback, concepts for games/mini games, and other aspect of the game. Have a read, and if interested, hit me up!

  • Ill post a demo next week with a special beta tester cheat code to unlock everything and try it out. Thanks for the replies!

  • RedBlackSpade haha dont feel bad, the current graphics are placeholders while i have graphic designers working on assets. The main thing was getting mechanics in place, images will be an easy swap now. The concept of the game is what matters, and im proud after 3mo or so programming everything is in place working smoothly. It was a pain making character switches universal and making sure nothing locked was accessible too early or other buggy problems. I actually am consulting with a great artist in the forums here "deadbyte" and i already have a designer across the country employed and workingon this.

    Still looking for help or confirmation there is SOME way of making saves online, even if i have to pay for it.

  • Please see details about my project here https://www .scirra. com/forum /viewtopic.php?f=180&t=166997

    I am seeking an additional designer for tons of assets, and i really like your style, especially with the last knight looking avatar and chest. If you think my project is something you would like to work on, please contact me! details in my post there.

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  • So i am currently working on my first gaming project ever, with any software. I have picked up the software pretty well and i have managed to lay the foundation for a pretty epic game. Before i continue on though, i have a few small concerns and im hoping some of the community veterans can help me out.

    The game is something very unique and familiar at the same time. It is retro graphics, with a HUGE mix of game styles and features. The concept is my avatar "Fanguide Freddy" is transported into a digital world where he encounters parody versions of tons of classic game characters. During the opening sequence "MegaGuy" shows up to tell freddy the game worlds are all merging and he needs our help to sort it out!

    Here are some of the core/major features.

    -The game is based inside of a Player owned house. This is where the game normally opens to. The house itself has a drag and drop editing feature, where players can buy items that can then be used to decorate there world. They also unlock items as the story progresses and we complete levels.

    -The core game levels are based within "Arcade Machines" Found within the players house in an arcade room. As the game progresses more arcade machines are unlocked with more levels-Each having a unique gameplay style(some platform games, some angry birds style, some fruit ninja, etc). Also each level has a unique blend of two game styles, as if the worlds had merged. So for instance you may be playing a playform level, but a pong ball is constantly bouncing back and forth on screen which the player must avoid.

    -Players also collect "Outfits" as they progress in the game. For instance Freddy collects a "MegaSuit" outfit when he completes that world. These outfits are changeable in the players home, as well as mid level in the pause menu. Each Outfit also has special attributes, like double jump, increased speed, increased damage, etc. The suits are generally variations of classic game characters and there will be around 12 "Outfits" available in the game.

    -In addition to outfit, players can buy and equip up to 3 types of equipment. Armor, Weapons, and Vanity items. Each are equipable in the home areas equipment screen, as well as being able to swap equipment mid level VIA pause menu. Armor and Weapon items give added attributes to the player, and some premium vanity items add boost like health. There are tons of armor, weapon, and vanity choices available, and along with the 12 main outfits, this allows players to customize and mix and match tons of classic arcade outfits and objects. (Think sonic with Saiyan armor, wielding a lightsaber! *all will be parody and custom art and names to avoid copyright issues*

    -Players can also buy and equip "pets" that follow them in the home and level areas. As with equipment, pets can be swapped at any point in the game, and each has special attributes and one special skill. One pet can help collect tokens and bonus items on screen, while another will attack any enemy on screen every X seconds. Another pet helps alert the player when he is near a hidden object.

    -The character and equipment/pet selection stays universal between the house and all game levels, menus, etc. Meaning when you select a character or item, it doesnt change unless you make it, displaying correctly in the player HUD and equipment screens, etc. Each weapon has a unique attack and damage ratio, increasing with better equipment. Players have "Stats" they can change and increase as they progress and collect experience.

    -There is a multiplayer area that serves as a chat room, but allowing up to 10 players to run around and chat while using their avatars to destroy respawning objects in a fun destruction free play zone.

    -There are tons of mini games and items with mini games hidden around the world, and able to be bought by the player. These games range widely in style and extensiveness, but do not relate to the core storyline. There are also several "Free Roam" areas where players can explore and have fun. For instance there is a Flying level where players have flight ability and fly around the area destroying things, finding hidden puzzels, and earning currency, with no stress of dying. Similar there is an underwater world like this.

    -Levels are organized into Equipment on or off, turning weapons on or off. Some levels will not allow you to equip your weapon full time, but instead of "PowerUps" placed throughout the level. One power up is like the mario feather, but instead grants FULL flight control and last 30 seconds. Another is a bullet weapon that stays equiped until the player is hit, and more like those.

    -There are tons of hidden items, currency, and achievments/task that will grant rewards and special items. I also have implemented an old school cheat code system, with an area to enter cheats right in the menu area. (The menu area is like a player is standing at an arcade console.

    -2 currency types, Tokens and "FanPoints" which are a premium currency.

    -The ability to buy extra homes, and enter into a free roam world select area where they can travel between homes, using a cool vehicle.

    -Multiplayer games where players compete 1-4 players peer to peer for currency to the winner.

    -"HoverBoards" in the home area. Player can buy or unlock the hoverboard to travel the expansive outside area and travel with speed and style!

    -The ability to play back levels after completion for additional prizes and rewards.

    -There is an extensive storyline in place featuring our company mascot "Fanguide Freddy" but after completing his story, a special extra storyline opens for one of the characters we encouter often during the game (Dont wanna spoil it for potential players).

    -Potions and healing, as well as special attacks or a magic ability that can be equipped or used.

    -Tons of hidden areas, secrete interactions, easter eggs, and bonus level content!

    ----This game is made by game fans, For game fans------

    Ok so thats some of the major features, there are still more, and the core storyline, dialogue, and gameplay are really cool. Everything mentioned above is already in place and working smoothly and as intended with around 4 characters, 15 items, a few pets, homes, etc of each things in place. Now it is a simple matter of adding in the final characters, buiding up the assets for equipment, pets, home objects, etc and any last minute ideas we have that would change the core gameplay.

    As it stands now, my events are right around 1000, and its already and amazingly fun game, but there is only a few soundtracks (Custom made by myself), a few sound FX, and only one level of each game is made. So here are my concerns and things that would really help me out if anyone can.

    At this point im very confident i will be able to add in the rest of the assets and have all gameplay, animations, sounds, etc work properly and smoothly. I regularly run debugging and make sure nothing is over spawning or causing too much strain on the CPU, but im concerned when i continue to build the assets, and events list and images, etc grow the game will become laggy or delayed, especially on mobile devices.

    With everything in place as mentioned, what are some of the limits to events or CPU usage limits i should aim for to make sure the game is playable atleast on most mobile tablets and some upper end devices? Id really hate to see this game go to waste because it cant handle the demands of all my mechanics in place after i try to build each up to a point where its actually useful in the game(I.E. i need more than 5 items for the house editing...if i add say...75 items would it cause a noticeable difference in game speed or function alongside increasing all other assets? Or can these games get pretty complicated and still run smooth?

    I apologize for amateur questions, but as i said, this is the first game i have EVER attempted with any software in any circumstance. Im just a longtime gamer, and stumbled across construct2 as i recently got into app developing using andromo.

    **another 2 major concerns of mine that i would even be willing to pay for support on should the game be playable with everything in place mentioned above is....

    --Social integration, such as facebook and leaderboards, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, some form of online game state save, or way for players to save their unlocked items and game progress. This is HUGELY important to the concept of the game, as it is so expansive, many players would be very put off to not be able to always gain access to their hard earned items and game. Its also crucial to conern number 2....

    -IAP and Admobs. I really want to offer overly fair pricing for premium currency, and be set apart from gaming industry standards in the way that i DONT want to charge ridiculous prices, or cram a game full of adds. I just want to offer a great deal to players should they support us and enjoy our game and efforts. I would heavily reward paying customers, and still treat FREE players as if they were royalty, making sure they have plenty of resources to earn currency, items, and not get left behind for not paying. In other words i dont want it to be necessary to pay for the game at all, only an option to leave open to the more loyal player base to show us their support. Not paying will not disadvantage or harm any free player in any way, other than ads, which will still be VERY minimal, probably only even in options screens and such.

    ----------With the last 2 concerns, i was able to use the rex parse plugin and create the ability for a player to sign up, and send a save state to my parse database. I see the players info and a string when they save, but im unsure how to call this back into the game and have online saves. PLEASE help with this! If you cannot directly help, are any of you at least AWARE of a construct2 game that allows for online saving and recovering game progress even after an uninstall or deleting local storage???

    --Part 2, the IAP and Admobs, are these working, i have tried and read through Lord knows how many articles in the forums and online, but there are so many topics and problems with this, as i move forward i just want to know, is there one or more good options to include IAP for premium currency, and removing ADS if ADS are able to be added? Id like for players on any platform to be able to purchase currency or an ad free version for their respective platform type.

    -----On the last 2 parts, if there is a SOLID, definite way to add in ONLINE saves and IAP and ADMOBS i would be willing to pay GOOD money to have someone either talk me through implementing it, or helping me personally with my .CAPX file. I obviously cant post the .CAPX here because its my whole game concept and i didnt save a short example version early on enough, but for a seriously interested and reputable person i can work something out privately.

    I REALLY love this software, and whatever happens i have been able to make an amazing game, with almost no limit to my imagination, which is a lifelong dream of mine, so its well worth it anyways, but id really love to take this to the next level and put my passion to work. At this time im literally not sleeping 3-4 nights out of the week and putting my heart and soul into this project.

    ---I have an open discussion group for a few involved team members on skype and we are creating an early watch program for people to actively input suggestions and feedback into the game, to make it truly amazing for all gaming fans. If you are interested in joining the team, or the early watch program, please email me at or look up Fanguide Marketing on Facebook and message me there.

    Thank you in advance to ANYONE reading this far into my post, and a HUGE thanks to those who are able to reply, help, or express their feedback on the project. I look forward to releasing the final version of this game to the community in a few months, and hopefully entering into the gaming world.

    P.S.---i have another Fruit Ninja variation Series of games im working on that is SUPER cool, so cool i cant even post the ideas public until i release the games, but i can talk to some of the more expert programmers privately that may be interested in helping. Seriously...its cool lol.

    Thanks everyone!

    Steve Newell

    Fanguide Marketing

    *Graphics are currently 75% placeholders, we have 1 Professional graphic designer currently compiling artwork but all mechanics are in place, and images can be swapped out easy, including existing characters and pins for equipment, as it is all the same scaling.

  • Would you be able to take my existing project and implement a solid online save feature to it? I am able to do much of the work myself, but the online database has given me a hassel.

    I am currently working on a rather large RPG that uses many styles of games and has lots of features, so perhaps you could help me in working on optimizing performance, and help me in developing the concept behind it further.

    You an send me a PM with some type of information on pricing or how it works. This is my first construct2 project, but after i give you the details im sure you sill see the great potential in it, and how well i have already been able to put everything together. I would love to bring in someone with a bit more experience to help me polish everything off.

    The concept itself and core mechanics i have put in place are really awesome, so if this is something you are interested in, and able to do, let me know.

  • im using chrome on my mobile browser after uploading it to google drive with PC. Like i said, when testing on PC, it saves and loads correctly, and for some reason on mobile, it does nothing. The fullscreen button is also not working. I was wondering if local save will only work after i export to app with cordova, or if i should be able to access local storage through the browser alone.

    As for online saves, as mentioned, i feel im VERY close to having it, im using PARSE by rex rainbow, and i have the user authentication working where they can create accounts and i see it in the parse dashboard area. Then i can save it to the server slot, and i see the string show up in the body area in parse dashboard, but im not sure how to call back the data from the server from there. Im willing to use any method that will work though lol.

    I appreciate the time to give such a detailed answer very much, im trying very hard to learn most of this on my own, but some things are a bit beyond me with the tutorials i have found (I usually do a pretty fair amount of searching topics before I'd post to ask questions). Im sure ill figure out the IAP and all of that in time, its just good to see someone confirm it for me to know i will have some options to make a bit of cash while still offering the game for free to players.

    Lastly, if you would like to have a look at my project, im comfortable sharing it with someone so well established here, but iffy to post it in full as it is, and all the event sheets are so intertwined it would be too hard to seperate it all. Keep in mind, there are tons of out of place comments, and events, graphics, etc that need to be fixed up, but you can see how large its becoming and what im going for would you like a private link?

  • Any Help with this from anyone? Am i on the right track using the parse plugin for a universal database for online saves???

  • The problem is on a PC the Local Storage works through the browser.

    On mobile, when hosted with google drive, when i play the game in browser with googledrive/host link, it doesnt allow me to save/load.

    Im trying to find out if online saves are possible. and the best way to go about them.

    As stated, i do have parse authentication working, and even able to save the slot to server, and i see the information logging into parse dashboard, but from there i do not know how to callback and load the data into the game.

    Im Looking for help getting my saves online, either someone to point me in the right direction, or ill straight up pay someone to set up a solid online save method for me.

  • Anyone? Im really hoping to come up with reliable Saves for the game, even willing to pay for a solid setup, as the rest of the game mechanics are in place and running smooth. Game is great, but would be aweful to lose progress over a slipped button press or uninstall.

    With a service like parse, will i have cross platform saving capabilities? Thats what im really aiming for.

    The IAP and ADmobs would be nice, but Online Saves are a must...

  • So i am making a massive RPG game, this is my first game and i think its coming along rather well with no training and teaching myself, im about 3 weeks into construct 2.

    I have created a game that has Multiple styles of games, multiple characters that can be changed mid level, or in the players house, and lots of great pretty complicated features, but there is a problem when testing the game on browser with mobile device.

    On Pc it allows me to use local storage to save game state if the user is not logged into my parse network, and it works great, but on mobile devices, when i go to my google drive hosted game, it does not do anything when i hit save or load, and also the fullscreen button does not work. Is this normal behavior? And will saves work once i export using cordova? Iv already successfully created, and signed an app version that was playable but i didnt think at the time to check the save function.

    Anyways, Id be happy to explain more about my game and some of the pretty ?advanced? features im trying to use. The gist is you are a single avatar that is on a journey through different game styles. The player owns a home where we start the game each load up, and he has an "Arcade Room" where new arcade machines are unlocked with new game styles and levels as we progress. The player also collects "outfits" with power up characteristics that can be switched into while in the players home, or via in level menu during any arcade game.

    All of that is working pretty flawless, i have a very nicely organized project with great comments, sort of building a tutorial from the start as i was lucky enough to recognize the value in that right away. It demonstrates using multi layered menu's, having unlockable characters and levels, i also have a drag and drop feature for players to buy items and decorate their homes. There is also peer to peer multi player levels that are platform style shooting matchets, one on one, team deathmatch, and king of the hill.

    Each arcade features a unique game style, anything from angry birds, to classic pacman style games, but with a twist! Each level is a mesh up of two game styles, and merges parodies of classic game worlds and characters in each. For instance one level is a platformer, reminiscent of sonic, but has "Pong" balls that will ocassionally drop across the screen the player must avoid, or angry birds style gameplay, with a twist of a "Whack a mole" factor where a random enemy could pop up any minute and the player has to click or touch it before it takes hitpoints.

    There are also tons of easter eggs, secret areas, and some old school cheat codes implemented!

    Im doing really well figuring out Construct2 and this is the first game of any kind i have designed on any software or anything ever. Like i said, its all running very flawless mechanics wise, and i just brought in a professional graphic design artist to create assets for me. The system seems to handle the game pretty well on PC browsers, and even on my phone besides the save issue, the game runs smooth and all mechanics, unlocks, ect work as intended.

    It has been an awesome experience learning and having an idea, watching it come to life, working through the bugs and things to make it how i envision it. I can see great potential in this game, and with our storyline ideas and things we are looking to do, like full on video cutscenes, i think i could have a great first game launch.

    Some of my concerns though are as follows, and hopefully some of you can help me address them, or point me in the right direction and tell me if its possible.

    For one, Online saves, I am rather new at all of this programming stuff, but im a VERY fast learner and all self taught. I learned how to properly use phonegap, export with cordova, to keystores, ect in one day, with absolutely no prior experience, so if something is possible, i know i can figure it out. So heres the needs/questions...

    Are online saves for entire game states, similar to local storage possible? Iv seen mention of Json strings everywhere, and to be honest, iv NEVER dealt with them, but like i said i can learn very fast. I actually figured out how to include REX_Rainbow's parse authentication and made it so i am able to create an account, see my users data log into parse dashboard, and even save the body to slot "MySaveGame" and see the string show up under (Body) in parse dashboard, but from there im lost as to how i can call back the data and make the game load it when asked to.

    If i could figure out online saving it would be a HUGE weight off my shoulder and great motivation to push forward with my project.

    One of the other concerns is monetization and IAP. I have seen its pretty hard to do, but i just need some solid confirmation that there is a way to use IAP and Admobs with the game for the App versions.

    If anyone is interested in hearing more about my project, or possibly helping me to work on it, please PM me here for my email address or information.

    Im also looking to sell the project as a great template/tutorial when all is said and done, iv taken alot of time to break things down and put comments as to why i did things and how, and gave a great setup for anyone to do things like unlocks of levels, characters, menus, implementing great event sheets for controlling universal controls, character active sheets, and tons more. Im sure by time its done, it will be a prime example of a great project using Construct2, and hopefully a great success story of how long time dreamers and game lovers can truly be capable of making something great and having limitless potential with creativity, using platforms like this.

    Looking forward to being a part of the community, and learning all the great ins and out of this wonderful software. Prior to this, i had been developing apps for small businesses using Andromo, and that started just a few months ago, now iv already moved onto android studio and raw coding java/css/html. Iv gone from not even thinking of apps/games to 10months or less later, owning my own Social media marketing and application development (and now game development??) company.

    Hopefully some of you can see my potential, and help me work through the little quirks im facing, so i can produce this amazing game thats coming together.

    P.S. Is the construct2 platform very limited in performace or anything? As i continue building assets, sheets, layouts, global variables, etc, will the game begin to lag or perform poorly? Its already a pretty complicated game, with TONS of even sheets and iv lost track of events and actions(does anywhere track/show that?) and i havnt noticed any performance issues, but itd be a shame to get 3/4 into my vision of a final game to find out its too much to handle.

    Thanks in advance for any help or advice

    Stephen Newell

    Fanguide Marketing

    *Coming Soon*

    The Great Arcade Adventure

    featuring-"Fanguide Freddy"

  • 11 posts