I like to do graphics and I like when things are neat and clean. So I started redoing some of the icons for the Plug-ins and Behaviors, so that they are in the same style and color as the original ones (Teal/Black & Orange/Black).
<img src="http://download.faithtoken.com/Iconpack1.png" border="0" /> <img src="http://download.faithtoken.com/Iconpack2.png" border="0" /> <img src="http://download.faithtoken.com/Iconpack3.png" border="0" />
You can get them here:
Alternative icons which are marked as downloaded plug-ins are probably coming later.
* rex_timeline
* canvas
* sirg_tiled_sprite
* pode_QRCode
* pode_qrdecode
* rex_cooldown
* rex_moveto
* rex_swing
* rex_step
* rex_zigzag
* rex_date
* 7_Dropbox
* rex_container
* rex_video
* rex_sequence_matcher
* rex_gleam
* rex_timer
* spaceship
* boids
* pode_splinepath
* rex_nickname
* pode_html_string
* pode_html_iframe
* pode_html_div
* pode_html_img
* rex_bnickname
* rex_revive
* rex_physics_gravitation
* CarPhysics_0_1
* rez_rogue
You are free to use them as you like, as long as it is related to or has to do with Construct.