Fabricio Branco's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • This was the opposite of what I asked, but it works, thank you :D

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  • Good afternoon guys, my question is about a shortcut, I have Event Sheet 1 and I created a group on it, now I'm on Event Sheet 2 and I need to put that same group in it; I need help in knowing what the key is, I do not want to copy and paste the group, I know there is a keyboard shortcut that creates a group shortcut that already exists, but I can not find the key anywhere. Thanks for listening.

  • yes I read, but still, there are divergences between full screen and windowed mode.

  • I'm working with a game in 1600x900, but I have problems with full screen mode, when I change the resolution from 1600x900 to 1024x768 I suffer cuts in the laterals and the screen always ends at the top right and never in the center, I just wanted the 1024x768 screen to minimize inside the original screen of 1600x900, with black bars around. This is an example of the problem I have been having but I have problems like this with all standart screens.

    it seems that every time they zoom, and when I use scale layout white bars appear in the bottom area. Could someone help me solve this problem?

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  • 6 posts