Exuro's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Yeah, I figured as much. All I meant was would there be any way of slightly improving it beyond being as easy as unzipping an archive file.

    My main worry is that someone could steal your game and claim it as their own fairly easily by simply replacing some of the image files in the archive to make it look like they made it.

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  • Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask a quick question, simply out of general interest.

    When exporting a game (particularly as a node-webkit program, as I want to create standard desktop applications) is there any way to increase the security of assets? It seems that once exported, all game assets are immediately available in the 'package.nw' archive. Would I be right in assuming that this means that one could make changes to the game simply by replacing those images? If so, is there any way to prevent that?

    So yeah, just a few general security questions. Can I prevent people from accessing my game files, and can I prevent people from modifying them.


  • In which version?

    Edit: Never mind, I didn't realise you could opt-in to Beta releases on Steam. Thanks for your help!

  • Hey everyone,

    So I'm trying to set up a node-webkit project that runs in multiple resolutions. I've got the image resizing just fine to fit in the different resolutions, but when I change the canvas size the window stays the same size. Does anybody know how to get the window to stay the same size as the canvas?

    On a related note, is there anyway I can make it so that the window cannot be manually resized? I want the window to only resize when it is changed in the settings.


  • What kind of device are u planning to run this on?

    Tried the db link on my iPad, waited 2 min for generation, then gave up.

    Will check the earlier capx when I get home

    I was planning to run it on PC, but to be honest it would probably be a good mobile game. I'll have to scale it down fairly significantly for mobile devices. It was running fine on my PC, but I tried running it on a slower PC and it's pretty bad. I'll mess around with it some more later, thanks for the feedback :)

    Here is an old example that also does forest generation. Play around with the variables for some funky results :)

    I'll check out that Capx when I'm on my computer, thanks!

  • Thanks for your help, here's what I got as a result:


  • Thanks for the quick response and the example, I haven't been able to open it up yet since apparently there's a newer version of Construct and my Steam hasn't picked it up, but I'll check it out when it's updated!

    Edit: Ah I see, you're using the beta version. Will download it to check it out, thanks!

  • Hey everyone, so I'm trying to randomly populate a layout with trees on the start of a layout, but I don't want any of them to be overlapping. Currently on the start of the layout I run a repeat action 1000 times that creates an object at a random (X,Y) position. This (obviously) creates 1000 trees all over the place, but many of them overlap.

    I can't think how to tell them to not spawn in locations where they'd be overlapping with another object. I'd like to populate the world in a more interesting way later on with other scenery objects, and figuring this out will give me the foundations for that. But trees first. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    Here's a link to the playable project over on dropbox to provide some context:


    WASD to move, click the trees to cut them, press I to open Inventory.

  • Thanks, I don't know why I didn't think of that. Really appreciate the help!

    Okay, I'll try to get that on here soon.

  • Hi everyone, my name's Dan. I've long been passionate about the idea of developing my own games, and in about a month am going to be starting a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science/Games Programming.

    I recently found Construct 2 on Steam, and upon trying it found it to be very intuitive. It's impressively powerful in its scope, and I plan to develop my first finished game using this tool (like many, I've messed around with hundreds of projects that have never gone anywhere, but this is the first time I've had a fully fleshed out idea and the tools with which to execute it). Hopefully I'll be around these parts a lot for the months to come!

  • Sorry to double post/bump my own thread. Just wanted to know if there was anyone out there with any insights. I really can't figure out how to do a proper quit to menu button. Now when I quit to menu, none of my menu buttons work anymore except the "Load Game" button, which is obviously because it is Loading a saved state and "Quit Game" because it just closes the window. The others ("new game" to go to the first layout, "settings" to go to the settings layout) just don't react once I've loaded up the game and quit back to the menu. Any help would really be appreciated.

    Also, does anyone know how best to do bindable keys so that they are saved locally (I plan on publishing my game through node-webkit, so it won't be server dependent.) and loaded up on launching the game? Currently my customisable keys work, but are saved as global variables, and I suspect part of getting my quit to menu button working will involve the resetting of global variables.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi everyone,

    So I'm working on a project in Construct 2. Not a particular game at the moment, just working on building a solid sort of functioning engine to build a game on top of. I've been working on settings and in-game settings, including configurable keys and such.

    Anyway, I have an enemy that upon being destroyed, plays an explosion sound effect. I put a "quit to menu" key in my pause menu that changes the layout to "Menu" upon being clicked. My issue is that upon quitting to the menu, the explosion sound effect plays. I suspect it is to do with all instances of those enemies being destroyed on quit, but I don't know what to do about it. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Edit: The other trouble I'm having is that currently when the player dies, it is set to go back to the main menu. When it does this it makes it so that when I press the new game button to go back to that layout, it kicks me straight back to the menu because it hasn't reset. How would I go about implementing a proper new game button?

  • 12 posts