Hi, i have particle torches on walls, and what i want is 2d light coming from the torches. Like in this game.
also the particle projectiles lightning the walls, is it somehow possible?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
i was thinking about the same thing, instead of copy paste every settings. It would be even better if the creators provide us with particle editor.
People could post all particle previewers they built so we could , download the one we like best )
PS: anyone know how to load image and change the emiter look? And also change the color
standalone previewer. When you happy , just copy the values into construct2
I dont know how to add image into it, will fix it later.
When inside the game i right click on object and drag the mouse i need it to change angle of it. how could i do this thank you
Solved: i have used scroll wheel , set angle
Hi i when i run the game , i would like to be able to load image from computer and assign the new image to the emiter, is it possible?
yes like this , thank you , i forgot to INT
thank you i was looking for this
Hello , what i need is to read the number from textBox user has added and assign the number to global variable.
thank you
I tried to use 8 direction behaviour , but it doesn't rotate as in the game on the video. Any idea how this is made? Thanks
Thank you , very helpful
hello here is example of what i would like to make. You have number 3. You can drag and drop it. There is another number 3 in the layout. and when you drag number 3 on another number 3 it will stick to it. And you will not able to move it again. If you drag numver 5 on nuber 3 it will not stick.
Construct 3 as an add-on for Unity = no more problems with exporters. Buttersmooth everything
this would be so awesome
hello, i would need this. When you drag item with you mouse and drop it it will stay where you dropped it. I need the object to actually keep moving a bit so it will not stop right avay after you dropped it.. thank you
EDITED: Solution found here