EvasiveBits's Forum Posts

  • All you have to do is change the gravity on the hold event.

  • Looks great!

  • right click in event sheet > include event sheet will do just that. If that's not what your looking for then you must use groups. If your coming from a different game engine you may need to adjust the way you think about doing such things.

  • I added a variable to text is input just in case you are recycling the object.

    + Text: Is Input

    ----+ Keyboard: On any key pressed

    -----> Text: Append Keyboard.TypedKey

    --------+ Keyboard: ⇧ is down

    --------+ System: right(Text.Text,5) = "Shift" //This is a compare event

    ---------> Text: Set text to left(Text.Text,len(Text.Text)-5)

    --------+ Keyboard: Backspace is down

    ---------> Text: Set text to left(Text.Text,len(Text.Text)-1)

    --------+ Keyboard: Space is down

    ---------> Text: Append " "

  • Yes its not that bad though I'm trying to figure out the shift button for caps, for now it keeps printing SHiftBar. All you need is on any key pressed append text with keyboard.TypedKey. You will have to setup backspace and space bar manually.

  • the TextBox is a web form object, they are in a league of there own.

  • Generally, when topics aren't answered that means there is no clear question or answer for the question. Try to be as descriptive as possible.

    I'm curious what you are asking. Do you mean you created objects that are no longer used and no longer on a layout?

  • I wonder if it's something I shouldn't do at all and stay "primitive" static tile backgrounds as possible or if I can do this without worry because the CPU and RAM are not critical on that department.

    You should always try to minimize the stress on hardware where possible, sometimes you won't have a choice, but when you do it's worth the work. This is due to the fact that you will still be adding things to the game or may want to after release, because you'll never know its important to keep room for it.

  • If you replace the key pressed with key is down and trigger once you will solve the issue.

    I'm curious if this can be fixed or if it works as intended, triggers are an override type event so it may be summoning the else statement bellow. I'm glad you pointed this out.

  • I would think of the steering wheel as an ascetic and simply focus on two sides of the screen. If touch is < than viewport.Width(0)/2 then rotate left. If touch is > than viewport.Width(0)/2 then rotate right.

  • As the developer you will have to decide where to store the values and what to name them, but the logic is as follows:

    You will need two variables weaponAmmo & storedAmmo.

    weaponAmmo = 10; storedAmmo = 20;

    Events would look something like this:

    Condition: On Fire; Action: subtract 1 from weapon ammo;

    Condition: On Reload & weaponAmmo is less than 10; Action 1: Set storedAmmo to (storedAmmo-(10-weaponAmmo)); Action 2: Set weaponAmmo to 10

    Start there, you will need to adavance the algorythm for when storedAmmo is less than ammo need to fill it gun.

    By the question I suppose you are pretty new to this stuff, stick with it and get used to creating your own logic, use the manual.

    Good Luck!

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  • Newt answered the question perfectly.

    To add to it Here's Ashley doing a talk at some event:


    I would say this, If your an artist who is going to be working on a team and is responsible for importing and programming the animations; I wold learn the engine that my team uses.

    As an artist that is going to be making projects by themselves; I would definitely recommend sticking with an engine that reduces the work.

    Don't be afraid to try other engines, doing so may help you realize how great Construct really is. I came from Game Maker Studio and find Construct to be robust enough for me. If I feel a game is going to be for a console audience or I need a performance kick or more control, I would rebuild in Unity. But I will always start my projects in Construct, it's just too damn fast to get content down and working.

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  • I only put the "health" on the family because there is no way to get to the "myhealth" on the family member, but that means all family members have the same "health" value, its global to the family and not independent to the family member.

    That is incorrect.

    All family members will share the variable name, however each value is separate to each instance.


    Family members: Mom, Dad, Son

    Family Variable: "Health" = 0

    In the properties menu of:

    Mom > Instance Variables > Heatlth = 90 ; Dad = 100 ; Son = 60

    Event: Family gets hit by a brick; Action: subtract 20 from health

    Which ever member is hit will lose 20 health relative to there own health

    Lets say Dad and Son gets hit, Dad now has 80 health and Son has 40.

    To get the Son's health simply request son.health