euaa302's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • I get some now tht I changed the ad settings but I ma using Interstitial ads, since I heard their payout is better.

    I am waiting on a fix from Microsoft to edge and hopefully Universal apps so the keyboard events work better in Windows Anniversary edition.

    As it is now it is very hard to control my game with the keyboard

  • I get some but the fill rate is horrible.

    I am using interstitial Ads. I think I would get more ads if I switched to banner ads but I read somewhere they do not pay out as well and I didn't want to take away from the playing screen to show them all the time.

    I changed my ad settings to include Microsoft affiliate ads and Community ads a couple days ago and finally had an ad show. I may have disabled those a month ago and I had nothing for a month.

  • You can use the test ids for testing. ... ode-values

    you will probably need to add the winjs and Microsoft store, adverstising sdk from nuget after exporting to Visual studio

  • I modified my c2runtime.js

    and overrode the default onErrorOccurred for the MicrosoftNSJS.Advertising.InterstitialAd.

    Open c2runtime.js press Ctrl K+D it will format the code for you.

    search for MicrosoftNSJS.Advertising.InterstitialAd

    Replace the function with the below code. Put a breakpoint in errorOccurredHandler compile for debug. I was able to see the error message that at no Ads were available.

    When I replaced my AdUnitID and ApplictionID in index.html and data.json with the test ids. I was able to see test ads. I don't think they showed up without the code change. But I didn't run it enough to be sure ... ode-values

    u.prototype.aT = function (f) {

    if ("undefined" !== typeof MicrosoftNSJS) {

    this.we = new MicrosoftNSJS.Advertising.InterstitialAd;

    var q = this;

    this.we.onAdReady = function () { q.j.trigger(hh.prototype.q.ur, q) };

    this.we.onErrorOccurred = errorOccurredHandler;

    //function () { q.j.trigger(, q) };

    this.we.onCompleted = function () { q.j.trigger(, q) };

    this.we.onCancelled = function () { q.j.trigger(hh.prototype.q.rr, q) };

    this.we.requestAd(, this.EU, f || this.uU)



    function errorOccurredHandler(sender, args) {



  • You need to include a reference to the Microsoft Advertising SDK for Java script in visual studio.

    You may also need a copy of the WINJS files.

    I believe these are included if you use older versions of Construct 2. And you need to copy them into your exported project if you use a newer version of Construct 2.

    I also found it was helpful to use the test Application IDs for testing. I have been having a hard time getting ads to populate using my own application ID.

    I think Microsoft has recently updated the sdks.

    read here : ... ervicesSDK

  • If you get both working in the same App I will be interested. I've tried and only have one or the other working at a time.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I am having the same issue in edge as well as a released app. I originally noticed it after the windows anniversary release but I also updated to the latest version of Construct 2 239 at about the same time.

    I just tested an older version of my app in both edge and ie. It has the problem in edge but not ie. So it is most lkely due to the anniversary windows release.

  • I haven't had a problem installing on any of my computers. I haven't tried a phone.

    I did notice a lag on the On Key Down functions after a windows update that was causing some weird behavior but that seems to be a lot better now.

  • It just started working after a windows update. So I guess I have what I need unless someone has some examples of best practices. 'if not I will post what I end up with in case someone else needs something in the future

  • After calling pubcenter prepare interstitial. The project is throwing an error.

    and I end up in pubcenters on interstitial error event. How can I see what the error is?

    I've double checked my application and Add unit id

  • I am using version 239 of Construct 2.

    I have a Windows app in the store that currently shows banner ads, and I see banner ads when debugging.

    Now I am trying to get it to show interstitial ads but couldn't find good tutorial on the forums for pubCenter.

    I have an interstitial add unit id.

    My game has 2 layouts. I would like to show the interstitial add after clicking the play button on the Title layout (not every time but maybe every fifth click).

    I've added Adcountdown with a default of 1

    On start of Layout I call pubCenter prepare interstitial add with the right ad unit

    On pubCenter On interstitial ad ready I set AdIsReady to 1

    On pubCenter On interstitial ad complete I go to the world layout

    When I click the play button I call a function ShowInterstitialAd

    The function will

    if adcountdown > 0 it decreases adcountdown by 1 and goes to the world layout

    else if AdIsReady then pubCenter.Show interstitial ad and reset the adcountdown counter

    else I go to the world layout.

    I see several 5 requests in the windows dashboard for the interstitial ad unit but 0 impressions, so it may be working, but I have yet to see an ad it could be a bug in my code, I am working on debugging that.

    Basically I want to know what the best practice is to show interstitial ads?

    If it is possible to show both Banner and interstitial ads at the same time and from the same pubCenter object?

    Are there other items to include in the Visual Studio project references?

  • 11 posts