etspring's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Thnx for plugin Joe, but i have one question.

    How i can load external json-file, which placed not in the same domain with C2-app?

  • Hi,

    I have developing widget for Samsung Smart TV with C2 and have a little problem with controls.

    How i can remap keyboard plugin keys with remote control keys?

    Thanks in advance.

    Samsung TVKeyValue.js

  • Hello,

    I have game field 10x10 tiles with 81x81 px each.

    Char moving from tile to tile.

    Animation of the char has 9 frames. How can i do smooth animation with speed 1 frame per 9 px?

    I tried to do it like on picture.

    But animation is not synchronized with moving.

    P.S: Char has no behaviors.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Kyatric We ( Russians ) waiting for ;)

  • Hi all,

    We'd like to help encourage non-English Construct-based communities. For example, there's the Russian site

    Ashley, this Russian community is dead. Last update dated 11 Sept. 2011.

  • Here is an example for generating randomized background.

    For good generation frames of ground must be tiled with each other.

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    CAPX is here

    P.S: Thanks to Yann.

  • Thnaks Yann

  • Thanks Dark, but i think that it can be done with construction like bellow

    System - On start of layout   Array - Set Variable to floor(random(1,10))

    - Array for each X element

    System - Every 1.0 sec        Text - Set text to ""&Array.Number

    - Array for each X element

  • Hello.

    How i can fill array(10,1,1) with 10 results of random(1,10) function on start of layout?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Thanks to All.

    Ashley, i did this thing:

    Every tick i compared to variables floor(Sprite1.X) and floor(Sprite2.X) - have no result or "floor" did not work here too?

  • omgitburns thanks

    Your way have another problem.

    Gamezone is 400x400, Sprite1 moving on y=100 and Sprite2 moving on y=300, size of both sprites is 30x30 and they never collide ;(

    We can make sprites with size 30x400, but it`ll be perversion ;)))))))

  • Thanks TastyBytes.

    But, question still actual.

    Just imagine:

    Sprite1 is a bomber and Sprite2 is a vechile and Sprite3 is a bomb.Destroying of these objects is not correct when condition Sprite1.X < Sprite2.X

    I see only one way to make it correct with "Sprite1.X < Sprite2.X" - we must insert instant variable "Bomb_count = 1" to bomber. But this way is so bulky.

    Any ideas?

  • Hello.

    I have to sprites with bullet behaivor, which moving to each other.

    (sprite1) ->


    When sprite1.x equal to sprite2.x i must spawn sprite3.

    But have no new object. Can you tell me why? Bug?

    Thnx in advance.

  • Hi.

    How i can make movement of player with traectory on screen?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Thanks in advance.

  • 14 posts