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  • Do you have multiple instances of the same character object with it enabled?

    I did for different layouts, I tried deleting them but no change

    Also no other other object has the ScrollTo.

    I am thinking to just not worrying about this and when I recreate everything I can add one item at a time to see what the issue could possibly be because everything suggested here was in check.

    thank you all

  • Layer parallax should be 100,100

    that is set as well :)

  • I'm guessing you need to enable Unbounded scrolling in layout properties.

    I enabled that as well already

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  • Hi all,

    I have been scouring the forums and internet trying to fix the scroll too behavior. I have tried all of these

    I only have it on one character

    My layout(3000x2000) is bigger than my viewport(1000x600)

    I tried to manually apply it with System -> every tick -> set position to character.x and .y but same behaviour

    I am posting screenshots of what happens, as I hit the edge of the screen the camera slows down, my character keeps going but the camera doesn't follow

  • Yes I understood all this, my point is that we can't see what you are doing with that variable. It should be set to false before they pronounce, then set it to true when they do. None of this is in the screenshot. Then when pronouncecorrect is true it will go to the next bit of dialogue. If that variable is set to true then it will go straight to the next bit of dialogue without the pronounce. So you don't need these extra bits like signal. Also what is the outcome at the moment when you try it ?

    yes you totally right, I forgot to show that I have PronunciationCorrect as a Global Variable set to False.

    Currently if you do the dialogue to "You try it" and you say the word correctly it will go to "Great Job". But if you are at "You try it" and press e it will advance to Great Job which I don't want to happen.

    I removed the signal and am only turning PronunciationCorrect true once the word is said correctly. So I am trying to figure out how to freeze at that You Try it now by disabling advancing by hitting "e"

  • hi everyone, I got it to work!! thank you so much for the help, adding the variable to count the number was important as well as creating the object BEFORE pinning it. Here is the final result if anyone else needs it

  • > Hi.


    > It looks like you want to make mechanics as shown in many commercials, where weapons like swords rotate around the player.


    In that case I have an example:

    hi Alex, thanks for the example, its cool what you built. I am happy with the item just orbiting around the player, what's been challenging is getting just one item to orbit upon saying the specific word and then having it be destroyed when the other word is said. What Igor suggested makes sense so I will experiment with that but it looks like I will always need to have variables to check the count for whatever word I say throughout the game which feels very tedious and inefficient. Maybe this is just part of my learning curve

  • I don't think you need that signal. Aside from that we don't know what you are doing with 'PronunciationCorrect'. It needs to be set to false to allow the waiting, if it's always true then this logic won't work.

    hi Lionz, thanks for the help.

    To give more context: You speak with an NPC, you get to Array slot 2 where they ask you to try to pronounce a word. At this point I want to validate the user can correctly pronounce the word so I am reading in from the voice input their pronunciation and checking if its correct.

    Thats why I am trying to do some subevent at Array value 2 to prevent continuation until this step is met, so that seems like an easy boolean condition until something is true. I tried to use Signals but I dont think I am doing it correctly, but not sure what else to do....

  • > I just discovered the "trigger once" mechanic and it looks useful. I am trying to spawn a sprite to orbit around the character, but when the conditions are met, it is not happening. Even if the vent triggered once, it should still orbit correct?


    > The issue I was trying to solve, was that Create Object was creating many objects in orbit so it just looked like a complete circle around the character hence the Trigger Once solution.


    > Is this the right use case?


    > thanks




    It looks like you want to make mechanics as shown in many commercials, where weapons like swords rotate around the player.

    I recommend you to check all text objects and then compare their contents.

    Trigger once in your case will not help, it is better to check the number of objects on the sheet before creating, if zero then create a new one, you can compare with a variable limiting the maximum number of spoons. This way you can add many weapons of the same type.

    Hi Igor, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.

    My first question is, my core mechanic is that users will say a word like "knife" and this will cause something to happen. In this case a knife will start rotating around the player. I am capturing that input by reading what is going into the text box "farsi_input". Is there a better way to do this? Should I be storing this in a variable instead and doing the check against that?

    The challenge this poses, is that it will often spawn many objects because the condition stays true and I often want just one.

    I am having trouble understanding the blue and red text you provided. For the System check every 1 to 10 seconds, I want this to be event driven, based on the word spoken, so whats the purpose of that check? Then the For Each loop makes sense to check whether the utensil was created or not.


  • I just discovered the "trigger once" mechanic and it looks useful. I am trying to spawn a sprite to orbit around the character, but when the conditions are met, it is not happening. Even if the vent triggered once, it should still orbit correct?

    The issue I was trying to solve, was that Create Object was creating many objects in orbit so it just looked like a complete circle around the character hence the Trigger Once solution.

    Is this the right use case?


  • Hi all,

    I am working on a language game where an NPC will tell you how to say a word and then you will say it into the microphone and validate you are pronouncing it correctly.

    I want to prevent the dialogue from continuing on until the word is validated. I am able to read into the voice input and check it, but am having trouble stopping the dialogue at that point. I tried to introduce a "signal" and a sub even seen here to just stop the user from advancing the dialogue but it didnt work.

    What am I dong wrong?

  • Well, I don't know your game. I assume there is a tilemap? Like I said, these are two different approaches:

    1. Create invisible sprites on frozen tiles with the required physics properties.

    2. On every tick compare the tile under the character. If it's frozen - temporarily change the properties of the tilemap or behavior. We do this in our game - when walking on ice tiles, 8direction deceleration is reduced, so the character is sliding.

    Just wanted to say Moonstone island looks really cool and its inspiring! Any advice for a dev starting his journey?

    I found a solution and wanted to share it here in case anyone else needs it. I discovered "Families" are a way to group similar objects together and you can add behaviors and conditions to them so I did that for the floors. Then the simple condition of whether the bullet collides with them. I was able to get some effects working, but I couldn't get the sliding effect when walking on it.

    I tried to reduce friction and increase acceleration. Both objects had the Physics attached to them as well. The mechanic is working which is the point.

  • Thank you dop for taking the time to respond and help so many in this community.

    I am trying to understand the logic flow here. Would I have a function, which checks whether its been collided with the specific ice particle or whatever. If so then change it appearance and settings or have an invisible sprite go over it?

    I will try to prototype tonight, thank you

  • Hello all.

    I am trying to develop a game mechanic. When you use your frost ability on a tile, it will change its appearance to be frozen and change the physics when you walk over it.

    Using a tile map doesn't seem to be the best route as you cannot add behaviors so I should be creating these tiles as sprites? The problem is, I would need to create each tile as a separate object then and this could get very overwhelming.

    What's the best practice or best way to do this? I would appreciate any guidance. Thank you