eski's Forum Posts

  • aaaaanny input.. would love it

  • Yeah i understand.

    At first i thought it was something that i did wrong, but then i saw that the array worked like it should despite that the debug said otherwise...

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  • Hello, one more post from me

    Anyway, now i trying to learn on the array object.

    I'm trying to make a simple nonogram game and well i'm having some problems regarding the number system on the sides. If you are not familiar with the type of game you can see it here :

    The problem is adding the numbers together.

    For example if the blocks are "0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1" it should read out "2 1 3" but there is a glitch in my calculations. There are two .caps in the zip and one array that can be loaded.

    In one of the caps i'm only trying to get the number system to work.

    In the other one the cells are made and the textboxes, all marked with rows, colums and x.y in the variables.

    Here are the files:

    I havent found much info about the array object so i thought i would ask.

    Also, in the debug why does it only show one row for the array object though the list is 10x10x1 or 100x100x5 for that matter.. ?

    Anyway i would appreciate any comments on this matter.

    So far the people here on the forum have been really nice and quick with responses and help.

  • Allright, it was just a test that i wanted to try.

    I have to do random stuff before and learn the basics of construct before starting on a bigger game.

    I have alot of random ideas that i dont have a clue how to solve but i'm working my way there...with little bit of help

  • I'm not talking about doing it in 3d. But with 2d images.

    For example here is a game that uses (i think) microsoft photosynth to do the zooming and scrolling.

    It's really cool and i'm not aiming this high but the zooming and scrolling is what i want..

  • > The thing that i am trying to do is like a "woke up in a room" game.


    Wow I'm working on something that will make doing that kind of game a breeze.... but it ain't ready yet

    i'll probably share here when I finish it.

    really, could you give us a hint and ETA on it ?

  • ahhh brilliant..

    now its starting to feel good.

    Next is improving the graphics and putting in some power ups.. nah.. just the graphics

    Thanks alot deadeye for the help and Quazi...

  • I seem to be able to zoom things just fine scidave, but your .cap is missing so I can't see what's up on your end.

    And eski, you can create a zoom effect by actually zooming the screen with System events, or you can fake it by scaling sprites. Either way. Perhaps a .cap of the problem you're having would help to fix the issue.

    When i posted this first I hadnt even started on a .cap because i was just wondering how i would start this.

    But i tried here, this .cap shows what i am talking about.

    The thing that i am trying to do is like a "woke up in a room" game.

    You see a image and from it you can click various places and you zoom and scroll to that place.

    I dont know what is the best way of doing this, stacking up lot of sprites top of each other or some other way.

    You can see how i did it there, the problem is that i want the scrolling to be in the frame of the layout. You can see when pressing the lightpost that it goes out of the layout and when unticking the "unbound scrolling" then well nothing happens.

    So basicly like when the door is pressed i want it to zoom and scroll to the door and then another image is shown which is inside the house.

    You could open a new forum just for my questions

    Btw... By any change is someone here from Iceland ?

  • Hey there.

    I have this idea that i dont know how to do it.

    Allright, it starts out with one picture over the layout. For example there is a door in the picture.

    When you press the door you zoom to the door and go through it. Then another picture will be shown(basicly what you see when you go through the door).

    So basicly i'm wondering how to do the zoom effect, should i set a hidden box that i zoom and scrool to ?(tried that but didnt get it to work) maybe there is another way.

    I will be using alot of pictures, should i have them in sprites or is there a better way like using some box that the pictures are loaded into ?

    Hope you understand this idea

  • I imagine you're probably not using the whole expression I mentioned. The "global('stuff') = " part is actually part of the expression, since the conditional operator checks that value and decides what value to return based on whether it meets the condition or not. Here's an example, just press space to toggle the value:

    Boolean Toggling

    I hope this clears things up.

    On the issue of the number is between thing, would you mind posting a CAP with the problem? It's hard to understand exactly what's wrong without one.

    Yep.. Now its working right.

    Are there more regualar expressions in construct ?

    [quote:2lu2t9vl]in some cases you could use *-1 as a toggle if your number starts by being 1 or -1, like so:

    Set value 'boolean' to "('boolean') * -1"

    And treat 1 as ON and -1 as OFF.

    This is also a good way, i will be using it also thank you.

    The physic stuff that i'm talking about is toggled off in the bottom. I know this way will not work but i think you will understand what i am trying to do.

    Next agenda is to have red player controlled by the computer.

    Any tips on how i should randomly choose a puck and launch it over to the blue side ?

  • Thanks for your help, this was excetly what i was looking for but it didn't work though.. prob my fault..

    First thing:

    Basicly i am using the toggle thing to see which player is suppose to act.. i start out having a global variable "turn" = 0. Then when team 0 (red) acts it toggles the "turn" variable to 1 (blue). Then it goes like this back and forth.. Anyway when i used 0 ? 1 : 0 it always game me 1.. dont understand why.. tried to have it the other way 1 ? 0 : 1, then it went the other way.. always 0..

    The other thing:

    The number is between thing worked out fine. But the way i'm trying to use it doesnt work.

    I am using the physic behaviour and when the velocity is between -1 and 1 i want the velocity to be 0, just stopped. I'm trying to do this because the round is over when all the items are stopped but it takes soooo long for it to reach from 1 to 0.. or -1 to 0.. I cant figure out any other way.. but if i try to force it this way the items dont move but few pixels..


    I just another way to deal with the first thing but there must be a easier way..

    I set a variable Enemy on the items and set it to the enemys number.

    So red items(0) and the enemey variable 1 and blue(1) had the enemy varable 0.

    So when the turn was over i set the global variable "turn" to the items enemys variable.

    That worked but rather bad fix, i want to use the toggle thing

  • Hi there

    So what i'm trying to do is basicly..

    +If Global "stuff" = 0

    • Do stuff
    • Toggle global "stuff"

    When "stuff" is 0 something happens and "stuff" will be 1 end vice versa...

    I cant seem to find any booleans or flags in construct, only variables that cant be toggled this way.

    I started off by using Fusion and i used the flags there alot...

    And another thing. When comparing values, can i tell construct to compare value to a range of numbers ? Like if Velocity of sprite is within range of (-1 - 1) ?

  • OK !

    finally i found a way to make it work, dont know if its the "right" way but its working.. but please comment on it

    other thing that i cant figure out with the physics.. it so slow at stopping..

    The speed and the contact damping is the way i like but its so slow to reach the point of zero speed, you can see the AV "speed" on the sprites what i'm talking about.

    Anyways the file is here.

    edit: aahh.. took out some crap that i figured out

    but there is a bug in the 0.99.97 construct...

    If you have done some changes on a .cap file and quit the program it just shuts right off..

    it doesnt ask you if you want to save the changes that you have maked.. didnt do this in version before this one (i think)

  • Yeah I did, sorry I've been a bit busy. I'll take a look at it later and let you know what's up.


  • > I'm running construct v.0.99.72 and all the files run kinda funky..


    I can confirm that's true. It's likely due to the new changes to the Physics behavior in 99.72. Since this .cap was made in an earlier version, the changes to Construct broke it. It happens occasionally, when changes get made something might break. That's the nature of beta software... nothing is permanent yet.

    Anyway it is fixable, as you said... you can click on each object and apparently that propagates the info in the new "Simulation Steps" field in the properties that was added in the recent build. And any new physics project made with 99.72 will work fine.

    By the way, the millions of balls dropping down thing is what is supposed to happen... it's coded with events to do that

    ahh.. figures.. thought it was something like that..

    didnt look at the code that well.. was in a real hurry.. running late to see Avatar in 3d.. awesome..

    btw.. did you get the pm ?