eski's Forum Posts

  • Finally got it to display an error. The error I get is outputted on failed login --- "4" which means "Sign-in Required". When I compare all my settings to the walkthrough on the google site I have all the right credentials. I can't put my finger on what it is but it must have something to do with credentials, maybe mismatch in SHA-1 key from the signed packaged that the export makes and what google does with it.

    While google-ing I found that many are having this problem and fixing it with much harder code-based solutions that are out of my scope.

  • sweet! :)

  • The only thing I'm going to use this service is for leaderboard, so my side question would be... Is there an easier way or better-streamlined service that offers this? I don't care if people need to login or not, just that they can input a name and submit a score.

  • When I'm making a new update to my game and install it as a debug APK on my phone all the local storage will still be there. It seems like the game is just installed over the older version so it's not installing it per se. So all my highscores and other settings in the local storage are still there. If I delete the game before installing it will all be gone.

    So my question is, when I have finally published my game and make an update to it later. Will all the local storage be unchanged for those updating it from Play Store?

  • I tried to google it and found that I can use javascript to do this aswell but the same, doesn't work when I have exported to an apk file.

    This here works in mobile preview though

    window.location.href = "";
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  • What was the issue?

    I'm doing this as well but I can't even get it to login onto Google Play in my game. The google play logo animation comes on and just disappears with an error.

  • I have a valid testing setup with Google Play, at least everything is greenlit. I have set the Application ID into the Google play plugin.

    I tried this but it won't allow me to put / (slashes) into the URL

    I feel like this information could be outdated, at least where to find all things.

    To do this, in the Developer Console under Game details, find the header that says API CONSOLE PROJECT and follow the link to the API console project for your game. In the API console, select APIs & auth, then Credentials. Notice the Javascript Origins field contains only your final URL; this also needs to contain any preview URLs to be allowed access. Click Edit settings. Under Authorized Javascript Origins, make sure the final URL and the preview URL appear on separate lines.

    In the end, when exporting a debug version onto my phone the google play animation starts, trying to login and then just closes. No error message coming from the plugin.

    Am I forgetting something?


  • Bah.. It works in preview on mobile but not when exported to Android via Cordova.

  • Well that was easy.. Worked like a charm.. :)

  • I my mobile app I have a "Support" button that should open up the default email app in the phone. I feel like this was possible before with a action in the Browser plugin but can't find it now. Would this maybe be possible by executing javascript or any other way?


  • Yes, seems to work now. Was just scared of it because of the - (not recommended) behind it.. :)

  • I'm getting strange lines around my sprites. They seem to be at the same place as the collision mask. It's not visible when I open the image editor. I can fix this temporary by going in there and make some pixel adjustment but the next time I open the project it appears again.

    The picture is rather small so might be hard to see but I'm talking about the little red line under the arrow and on the right side. This is happening on multiple sprites that are used as buttons.


  • Using my own with Test mode enabled.

    I'm having it on default for the time being, at least until i finish alpha testing. Hoping that this will just work as is, if not I will just go back to the previous recommended... 12 selected..

  • Something has change probably. In the custom list i can pick from 902 providers. I have it set to default and it seems to pick random 200 of the list and the ads are being displayed, looks like it's not breaking it. Just using Test ads though, not sure if that matters.

  • "Change your ad technology provider list from default to custom and select a maximum of 12 providers"

    This has been asked before but not sure if this is still relevant. I have it on default settings and when running my game I get a up the consent window. There I get a message saying:

    "Learn how APPNAME and our 199 partners collect and use data"

    What is the reason we should just pick 12? Would it break the display on ads, or is there another reason? Maybe this has just been upped to 200 instead of 12?