ertan's Forum Posts

  • I just published a r274 update which updates jQuery to v3.4.1.

    thanks Ashley

  • ertan

    Warning still exist? Not sure, but my be:

    1. Google pending

    2. Did you change the code(jQuery) or just renamed it? Look at the image that i was posted.

    3. Jquery 2.1.1.min.js still exist in www folder. Forget to delete it.

    now warning not exist anymore, 100% is Google pending


    for question number 2, i changed the jquery code

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  • ertan

    After exported, open the exported folder, and you must change jquery version on this folder, not your c2 installed program.

    1. You can change jquery file if you can download the file version 3.4.1.

    2. If dont, you can open v 3.4.1 code inside, copy and paste in your v 2.1.1, dont forget to rename the version. The code must be like this:

    3. After that, open your index.html with editor, change jquery version inside this index.html target

    Black screen if you forget to change in index.html

    thanks krestia, my app finally working again, but the security warning jquery 2.1.1 still pop up, what happened ?

  • Like i said. You guys just update your exported jquery 2.1.1 to jquery3.4.1. You can upload to google play without warning. But, i dont know about the effect for apk nor google.

    Just go to jquery website,( ) open the compressed version 3.4.1.

    Open your index.html change jquery target

    i tried this way, and i got black screen on my app, not working at all

  • some question here

  • try doing this

    round( RESULT * 10 ) / 10

    add zeros depending on how many decimal numbers you'd like to display

    dont understand , can you give me example please

  • float() <---- i try to use this, and still got error

  • can some one help pls,

    i try to add 1.11865 + 1.11706 = 2 <--- but the result is wrong

    and to subtract 1.11865 - 1.11706 = 0 <--- but the result is wrong

    this is the code --->

    thanks before

  • thanks you so much maverick, i got the idea right now, thanks so much

  • thanks maverick for the answear , but im confused with your code, because im beginner.

  • how to make an sprite appear just 1 second and disappear again, randomly spot on the screen area


  • so happy to hear this, we already 64 bit

  • Thank you so much. Yes need setting animation spèed to 0 too.

    Thaks again

  • how do i insert sprite to my layout , and the sprite is from "animation frame"

    example : i want insert 2nd sprite from "animation frame" to my layout,

    how do that?


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