Erkberg's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Hey there C2 people! So far I always used C2 for LD (see initial post for my last game "The Greenening", which did pretty well), but this time I decided to try something new and use Unity instead. It worked out pretty fine, though some things would've been much easier to do in C2.

    Anyway, here is my game for LD32 called "Silence":

    Hope you enjoy it!

    PS: I already played and rated some C2 games, there are some true gems to be found.

    Edit: Nice timelapse Zatyka, here's mine:

  • Here's my compo entry, "The Greenening":

    I'll try to go play and rate all the games posted here, but it could take a while since I'm really low on this peculiar ressource called time at the moment.


  • Check out my little game, "Panda Run":


    It's my first game on the playstore and merely a testgame to see how everything works.

    I have something quite big up my sleeve that I am really excited about and that will hopefully be ready for release within the next months.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Finally played and rated all the entries posted here, good job everyone!

    If you haven't tried mine yet, here it is:

  • Here's mine, "All is one":

    I'll try to play, rate and comment all games posted here in the next couple of days. C2 for the win!

  • Here is the game from me and my brother, "Incomplete", a point and click adventure:

    <img src="" border="0">

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Hey there, here is my LD27-game, made with C2 (yes, it's a panda killing cats):

    Thanks to Jayjay for reminding me of the scirra forum.

    I will also try to play and rate all games posted here.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hi, I'm Erk and I like making games. I already released some mediocre ones on Kongregate and Newgrounds (namely Pentagon Survial, Asteroid Storm and How to train your Hero). I tried out Construct 2 for the mid summer jam week and liked it a lot. That's why I bought it in the steam summer sale and I just released my first C2-game, Tower of torment. It's probably my best effort so far and thanks to C2 also the most painless one. ^^

    Gonna post this one on the forum once I get to 500 rep.

  • Could it be that those pre-roll ads only work on itself? I would want them to play everywhere, if possible, just like mochiads.

  • Hey there.

    I'm currently working on finishing my game and I built in the option to continue a previously started game. At the first start, the performance is alright, but when I load (using the load command and also waiting for it to load by using on load complete) the performance decreases drastically. Any idea why this is happening and how to solve it?

    My game has a lot going on in the main game window, but like I said, on first start the performance is just fine, it only collapses when loading.

  • I was hoping to include a pre-roll ad in my game. I enabled it on the, but it doesn't show. Is it possible to have the pre-roll ad with Construct 2? If so, how?

  • I somehow solved it by moving the pieces to layers they were already in. ^^

    I really can't explain this, but whatever, it works now.

  • Hello. I have a (hopefully) simple problem. I have two different layouts, on being a menu with a button, the other one being a layout with just a black background and a text atop of it. The button in the menu calls a "Go to layout" event, going to the other layout. This other layout does nothing but wait for 5 seconds and then call a "Go to layout" event, going back to the menu. When I visit the layout with the text the first time, the text is visible and everything works fine. On the second time however the text has somehow disappeared and doesn't reappear on any later attempt.

    Any help is highly appreciated.

  • 14 posts