Equinox80's Forum Posts

  • silkc2 - Exactly right

    However you could also:

    Keyb key is down

    (Sub) Cond: Bullet is NOT on screen: Spawn Bullet

  • How do I get rich quick? (Just Kidding)

    Anyways I have been curious about Scirra Construct on how to manage my animation speeds.

    I have 2D RPG Sprites, when they walk have 7 Frames (0-7) and my sword attack frames are 5 Frames (0-5), whereas my spear attack frames are 6 (0-6).

    How do I manage all of the speeds equally so they play smoothly and efficiently.

    Currently Walking Frames are set to 10, Sword attacks are set to 15.


    Jesse Jarvis

  • Sorry if this is too late. The reason I believe this happen was because I changed my DPI settings from Medium to Small. Even if I changed it back afterwards though it was too late.

    Edit: If you want I can try and make a video and remake the incident.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Shouldn't be required as it happens with every new, old, and so on capx file.


    Good Screenshot:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/73299017/Screenie1.png" border="0" />

    Bad Screenshot:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/73299017/Screenie2.png" border="0" />

    Steps to reproduce:

    I can't, just happens all the time

    Observed result:

    In the first screenshot you will noticed at the bottom how it says Cancel, Help, Back, and Next. This is normal. However in the second screenshot you will notice how I can click nothing but the "object". In order to do anything I need to press Tab and then assume I a on the Okay button, then press enter.

    Expected result:

    I should be able to see the back button and change the function, and click the cancel or okay button to continue.

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1

    Construct 2 version:

    118, However happened from about 2 weeks after Construct 2 Release.

    EDIT: FIXED! Following the 1st reply in this post:


    I fixed the issue by going into preferences and clicking Reset Dialog, and then restarting the program.

    Renaming the post and hoping it will help others.

  • That's okay IMO, but yes that would work.

  • The AI is pretty easy from what I've seen. I believe in another platformer tutorial what I seen was that they did:

    Enemy > On Collision with "Wall" Turn Around, and as for the edges of platforms, they have a hidden object there and just turn around the enemy on collision.

    I don't know how this one was done though.

  • Nice game, but dang the bugs! Lol.

    Pretty good though.

    PS: The sounds seems really delayed for some reason, atleast when I picked up the mushrooms.

  • Rudi

    I agree, this was stupid and useless.

    Edit: Well maybe stupid is overdoing it, sorry, but still pretty damn pointless.

  • Well I am a Programmer with no Team:


    And need graphics ^.^

  • Alright no problem ^^ I have one myself, and a boy, 4 and 2.

    Well ttyl then.

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  • Hey, if anybody is just feeling bored or something and want to help, I would like a few things added to my current project :D

    For Player/NPC Sprites, I am use an LPC Spritesheet I have, added and graphics added are in ./Raw/Sprites (I don't like it but it's a .xcf GIMP file, because it has multiple layers).

    Things I have done:

    These are some things I have done, but probably could use tweaking.

    -Player Movement (4-Way Animations) in an 8-Direction Game

    -Player Attack with Sword/Spear (I have Resources for sword/spear/bow)

    -Map Generation (TMX Importer)

    -Debugged HUD (I have no graphics for one :/)

    -Added Player Body, Hat, Torso Armor, Bracers (Wrists), Shoes, Sword, Spear

    -And anything I missed

    Things that could be worked on and I'd appretiate:


    -Basic Enemy AI


    -Add bow

    -Adding unfinished animations (I have the graphics for the most part, just need to implement them)

    -Add walking animation for weapons

    -Add Various NPC Chatter

    -Add Menu's


    -Networking via (Possibly Websocket/NodeJS, I plan on making this an MMO)

    Current Controls:

    Arrow Up - Move Up

    Arrow Right - Move Right

    Arrow Down - Move Down

    Arrow Left - Move Left

    S Key - Attack

    Current Preview:


    Project Download:


    Note: I am not sure if this game is going to sell or be open source, but credits will be given.

    Edit I'll actively update this.

    Since it is only me doing this atm and I have no team, I am kind of hoping others will pitch in :D

    Sincerely, Me

    Edit: Something to me seems to have went wrong with the preview, it's missing graphics, the zip file should still have everything however.

  • o.O Spawning... Riiight let me try that, I was just using System > Create object at Enemy.X Enemy.Y

    Never tried Spawning.

    Edit: I don't see it at the Enemy's XY Coords.

    Edit 2: How do I move Body spawn by player to the players coords, and move body spawned by the enemy to enemies coords?

    Edit 3: I created 2 seperate instances for PlayerArmor and NPCArmor, I am thinking this will work as I will use a Foreach statement for NPC equipment.

  • Right now the way my player is setup is a green 32x48 Box. I create an instance of Body, Hat, Armor, Bracers, Boots, Weapon and set them to Player.X and Player.Y on move and so on.

    Now what I want to do is

    On Start of Layout > Create Enemy

    Create Body, Hat, Armor, Bracers, Boots, Weapon on Enemy.X, Enemy.Y

    But when I do this and then the player moves, it sets all of the NPCs items onto the player.

    SInce you know when Player moves Body = Player.X Player.Y

    How do I make individual items for individual NPCs.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hm that is a good idea,

    Although I was just meaning how do I make a map with TMX that uses multiple tileset files, and then load that into C2, using multiple sprites, for example tileset 1 contains 700 tiles, whereas Tileset 2 contains 400 more tiles. With both tilesets being in a different file, tileset1.png and tileset2.png.

  • Equinox80

    Uh, I'm not sure. I always use the same tmx file at first post.

    I don't mean different TMX files, I just mean for instance, My TMX file has 8 different tilesets. Now right now I am only using 1 tileset of course, but my first tileset is like an old medieval military (tent-based) camp ground currently at 700+ tiles (anims). Now I have more tilesets since I had to cut them up because C2 crashes at 1000+ anims. So if I want to add different types of trees, I need to use Tileset 2 which has several trees.

    How do I import tileset 1 AND 2 in C2, as it's already made in TMX.