Equinox80's Forum Posts

  • Yours truly.. I feel like such a noob asking questions lol. Some simple some more advanced, and trust me I tried to figure it out on my own.

    Capx: dl.dropbox.com/u/73299017/capx/MYOJRPG.capx

    1. How do I make make collision on my player effect only the filled pixels (for example, my sprite is 64x64, but only around 32x48 of it is filled, and it collides with another object before the pixels actually touch).

    2. In Spawner event sheet it is producing npcs (Training Dummies) based on an xml file. However it is only loading the last entry in the xml file. I have a SpawnPoint sprite that has a variable called SpawnEnemy, which is what I want each spawnpoint to load from the xml file.

    How do I do this? I want it to load the data from the xml file based on the variable the spawn point has.

    3. How should I manage my items? I have a sprite called itemdrops, I plan to have this give the player an items based on its GiveItem variable (the variable will be the id of the item, or maybe a string of its name). I think array is the way to go and am going to learn array, is this the way I should go?

    4. When I attack a training dummy I have it create a 16x16 "collision" sprite, in which I do damage based on TrainingDummy On collision with Damage_Mask. Does it sound good to have that method, or is there a better one I should do?


    Move via Arrow keys, press S to attack

  • Update:


    - "condition:For each layer property", "expression:Current layer property name, Current layer property value"

    - "condition:For each tileset property", "expression:Current tileset property name, Current tileset property value"

    - "condition:For each tile property", "expression:Current tile property name, Current tile property value"

    to retrieve properties.

    Note: these conditions would not retrieve properties in order since properties was saved in a hash table.

    So from what I understand, if it is correct, is that I can create create and object in Construct 2 if I have a tile with a property called "SpawnObject" and the object name?

  • To be honest, I think it's just TMX Importer. I do not know for sure, you just asked if I could reproduce it, so I thought I would set your conscious free by letting you know it's most likely the plugin, and not your code.

    However on the other hand it could just be plugins in general.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Would upload it but it's a bit big for sure an example of this.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Download TMXImporter Plugin

    2. Install it

    3. Paste in a level or just quote anything in there should still work (my xml file I pasted it was very larger since it was a level, so maybe its because of the massive size, I had to paste it in, press tab, and press enter in order to save it.

    Observed result:


    Expected result:


    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1

    Construct 2 version:


    You wanted to know how to reproduce the missing dialogue effects, this is how I did it again.

  • Could I see the capx?

    Other try: If CursorSprite is overlapping ObjectToDestroy and Mouse is clicked: Destroy!

    Should work if I understand correctly.

    Edit: More rather, if that doesn't work, then share the capx. Try it first though.

  • Ah alright, you're welcome.

  • Alright, no problem!

    Edit: Yes it does very much, you could always set the speed to 200 + the Player's speed, if moving.

  • Alright I don't know exactly what you mean, I disabled that event and the bullet moves left, toward the player.

    Do you want it to move away when the player presses right, at the right spot?

  • In most cases the sprite cursor attaches itself to the mouse so that the mouse is actually in the top-left corner of the sprite (hotspot) so try clicking the object assuming that is where the mouse is.

    If so, then change your sprites hotspot.

  • Could you share the capx?


    Variables are read by ObjectName.VariableName So I'm not quite sure what you mean.

  • For my game I made the player having a variable called isFacing, and I set that variable based on if left, right, up, or down is pressed or held.

    Then I determine which way my projectile goes based on isFacing.

    It would help to share a capx, but otherwise try to change the angle of the shot based on player isFacing.

  • Could be broken somewhere, you could also have a condition where it says On Click and Sprite is over object, then do the action.

  • Typically you can wrap something in int() but you are trying to set a string inside it (ComboBoxRight.X="") which makes no sense.

    Wouldnt you want ComboBoxRight.X - PlayerXCoordLastTick ?

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  • I updated the capx, I am really close but still don't know how to do it, I have it so it loads based on the SpawnPoint.SpawnEnemy, right now it loads TrainingDummy1 on all spawn points.

    I tried adding another ForEach SpawnPoint overtop of the main foreach xml node however when I do that they all load TrainingDummy. The left 3 should load TrainingDummy1, and the right 3 should load TrainingDummy2.

  • Hello, I am having some troubles in the Spawnsheet of this capx:


    I am trying to spawn an enemy using my SpawnPoint sprites in my Game Layout.

    Right now it loads the last entry in the NPCs.xml file, I want it to load the right NPC based on the "SpawnEnemy" variable on the SpawnPoint.

    So I have an entry in the NPCs.xml called Training Dummy. I want it to load the TrainingDummy sprite and then set the hp, name, and so on accordingly.

    Edit: What would be great, but doesn't work or atleast not that I know of, would be: Training Dummy < Set Name WHERE Node Name = SpawnPoint.SpawnEnemy

    Know what I mean?

    Is there a way to achieve this?
