ephrisian's Forum Posts

  • Just picked up the Template and it's awesome in the Utility, but I can't get it to work.

    I've looked through the entire thread and read your comments on how to use it and came up with this.

    What am I missing?


    It helps when you have the event sheet attached to your layout... d'oh!

  • I just went through this tutorial and created the touch controls he made for his game and they work great!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    ISSUE: Controls break with Parallax at 0,0

    I went ahead and added the controls to a UI layer with Parallax a 0,0 and for some reason the orb is acting very strange now. Is there something wrong with the calculations? Or is there something that I'm missing with regards to how this should function in a parallax layer?


    No idea what the issue was, but I pulled the SANA controller from the TouchUI tutorial on Scirra and it worked like a charm.

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  • I just updated to the latest version of r36 and I noticed two bugs.

    1. Whenever i launch the Preview the screen is blank until I resize the screen.

    2. Collision between two Physics objects is not constant and can also stop completely.

    Below is an example project that will demonstrate the bug.

    I'm using a Platformer with a Physics box inside in order to allow physics collisions but still have a Platformer.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/18daaxngvw817 ... r.c3p?dl=0

  • Is there a way to possibly push file directly from Construct 3 to something like Gitlab/Github? Azure Web Apps do it in reverse, pulling from github when changes are made.

    In this case, what would be great is having the ability to Export to Git as HTML5 so whenever you have an update it'll automatically show up. From there, using something like Azure Web Apps you'd have a game that can literally go from Construct 3 to published.

    Currently my workflow is as follows:

    1. Develop Game in Construct 3

    2. Export to HTML5

    3. Extract Files to local Git repo

    4. Commit changes to Git repo and push

    5. Enjoy game in Azure Web App

    For any questions on setting up an Azure Web App you can see the link below.

    https://github.com/blog/2056-automating ... -and-azure

    Having the ability to develop games on my iPad or Samsung tablet is the primary reason I purchased my license, and given the open to export directly to Git would be amazing as I would be able to Develop and Publish directly from my Tablet! Imagine that...

  • Yes, this example did match pretty much exactly with what I was looking to do.

    Thank you!

  • I'm trying to create 4 instances of Object2 inside of Object1 everytime it's spawned. Then I'd like to run a function that will generate a number between 1 and 4 and spawn that many of Object3 inside of Object1.

    All of this happens when Object1 is being spawned.

    I'm going to need to add more to that later because Object3 will have different "states" between 0 and 5.

  • That's working out a bit better, but now I need to create object3 within object1. But because I'm calling it globally it's creating object3 in all instances of Object1

    Here is what I have so far.


  • I want to write something like this:

    Foreach Object1 {

    Run Function CreateObject3()


    Foreach ( imagepoint in Object1){

    Create Object2 at imagepoint.x, imagepoint.y


    Function CreateObject3(){

    object3Count = Random(0,4)

    for (x=0; x > object3Count; x++){

    Create Object3 at imagepoint[x + 4]



    I've tried to do this, but I keep getting an infinite loop.

  • Hello again, I'm trying to figure out some issues with IE and sounds from Construct 2.

    You can play the game I'm referring to here:


    For some reason, the game tends to be pretty buggy in all browser but mine.

    Any suggestions?

    <img src="http://ephrisian-trial.kissr.com/sound.png" border="0" />

  • Thanks to all of you for your help! I was able to get past the difficulties and I've updated the game with new graphics and a few small mechanics.

    Give it a whirl and let me know what you think

  • Well don't that beat all? Thanks for the pointer! That fixed it! I didn't know that feature/function existed.

  • Hey Sqiddster,

    I'd love to make the change, but I'm not using any physics in my game. If you notice in the .capx, it's all Solid and Platformer behavior.

    Is there any other solution besides using Physics?


  • Thanks spongehammer. That's exactly the information I was looking for, but not the answer I was hoping for.

  • Hello All,

    I have a basic question. I know that HTML5 is treating differently by each browser, so I'm wondering if the .exe format of the game will be a lot smoother?

    I'm having some issues with the following project:



    If you notice, platformer doesn't always sit exactly on the moving platformers. There is always 1 - 2 pixels of overlap or offset. With a .exe file, will this be refined to have the collision honor at exact pixels?

  • This is how I do mine.

    <img src="http://ephrisian-trial.kissr.com/bulletDirection.png" border="0" />

    You can get the capx here:
