EncryptedCow's Forum Posts

  • PM me and I'll walk you through it :)

  • From what I understand, you're trying to create a random object when your brick is destroyed. Instead of having differet objects for each of your "powerups", put them all in one object as different animations. Then, have an event:

    • Brick On Destroyed
    • > Brick Spawn Powerup
    • > Powerup Set Animation to choose("anim1", "anim2", "anim3")

    Then for collecting the powerups its a simple change to

    • Player On Collision With

    |- If Powerup Animation == "anim1"

    -> Do Powerup1 stuff

    |- If Powerup Animation == "anim2"

    -> Do Powerup2 stuff

  • The 8-direction behavior has an "Is Moving" action. Have one event:

    • 8-Direction Is Moving
    • Trigger Once While True
    • > Add To var 1

    And another:

    • 8-Direction Is NOT Moving (Right click the condition and do Invert)
    • Trigger Once While True
    • > Subtract From var 1
  • A simpler way:

    • On Drag and Drop Dropped
    • > Object set X to Object.X - (Object.X % CellSize)
    • > Object set Y to Object.Y - (Object.Y % CellSize)
  • Theres the new saving feature that will probably be a lot easier.

  • Its looking pretty nice but I think you should work on the controls. I have to stop moving so I can shoot since WASD does not work.

  • That makes perfect sense, thanks a bunch.

  • Put those objects on their own layer and set the layers paralax speed to 0,0 that will cause anythin on that layer to not move at all, thus following your camera.

  • Make a game where you play in the 3rd person perspective of a gamer who sits on his couch and plays old retro games on his tv. :D

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  • I'm guessing you have a hitbox for the player and an object for the visual side of the player. If that's true you could just do every tick -> set hitbox size to player size

  • I have some dogs that I spawn on either the left hand side, or the right hand side. When they are created I give an instance variable a value of int(random(48, 592)) and they run across the screen. I am trying to trigger a series of events when the dogs reach an x position of int(dog.x) = dog.pooSpot Currently, I am doing it like so:<img src="http://i.imgur.com/3lqJJQa.png" border="0" />

    however, it's not getting all the dogs to go poo. How can I make sure they all do it?

  • If I understand correctly, you want to have rain that falls, and when it hits a solid make a raindrop mark on the solid? If that's the case I would create another sprite for what the water looks like sitting on the ground, then when the raindrop collides with whatever you want to activate it, destroy that raindrop and create the water mark sprite, then you could keep it there indefinitely, destroy it a bit after its created, or you could use the fade behavior (That would probably look the best)

  • newt

    I don't want to just destroy every platform when the player touches it. Each one can do different things depending on what trigger equals. So most of them will = 0 meaning it wont do anything on contact. 1 means it will delete when touched, 2 would make it disappea for 5 seconds for example. I get now that functions wont save on events and will just over complicate it. I'm just going to make sub events of on collision.

  • newt

    It's not just destroying that I'll be doing. I plan on having a bunch of functions that do different things depending on the trigger variable. I guess I could just have trigger = 1, trigger = 2, ... subevents. In my head this seemed like it would reduce the amount of events I would be using. (I have the free version so I have to watch my events)

  • zatyka

    I can't test it out right now but that makes perfect sense. Thanks!