emoaeden's Forum Posts

  • Best way would be to have a Global Variable called LevelDifficulty and make it either a number/text (if you want to have 3+ degrees of difficulty) or a Boolean (if it will just be two). Then create conditions based around what the variable is.

    Example :

    If LevelDifficulty="Easy" >>> Heath=3

    >>> EnemyHealth=1

    If LevelDifficulty="Medium" >>> Heath=2

    >>> EnemyHealth=2

    If LevelDifficulty="Hard" >>> Heath=1

    >>> EnemyHealth=3

  • Now I had a play with the File Chooser Object, and it lets me set the parameters for the file type I want (in this case a .mid file), but how exactly do I then utilise that ? i.e. have it save the file to the game.

    The idea is that I now have a game where there are a set number of .mid files you can play, but I want to let the player also choose ones they might like to play.

    Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

  • I've got a game where it is a series of notes that fall from the top (based on a text file I write), but feel that with the availability of MIDI files, it might be easier to use them.

    I've seen a few plugins for MIDI (one which does exactly the same as what I want), but before going off and potentially making issues for myself, I thought I'd ask and see if anyone had a simple easy solution (ideally without plugins).

  • Sorry to bug you again R0J0hound , but would you be able to make a simple CAPX to show me how this could be done ? I'm totally lost.

  • Yeah, that's where I was struggling, but will give it another shot this weekend

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  • You mean something like this ?

    Oh, and sometimes your post may get missed, so try not to be patient.

  • It appears you are using a lot of plugins, so I'm not gonna download them to run the CAPX.

    I'm guessing that all you need to do though is have the game spawn at a random(0,WindowWidth) and random(0,WindowHeight).

    Thisis an example of what I mean, and as for score, just create a variable for the sprite.

  • Pretty sure there is a template for infinite jumping, You could look at using or adapting that

  • R0J0hound, any idea how to generate that from a CSV ? So that I need not place them all, and can auto generate the level ? I've been trying but sadly my knowledge of that isn't great

    I was trying to read in from a CSV but can't quite get the syntax right

  • Wow ! Just wow !

    That is a perfect execution of how I wanted the sound to play.

  • So I've used XMLs for projects before, but I'm not sure if I can use it for the following idea.

    So I'd have the code read an XML/CSV that would have something like this in it



    Where the letters would be notes on a piano (which I have as .ogg files in the project) and the numbers are the delays between when each is played. This way I could write new musical scores and have the game play the next note when the delay is up.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. ^_^

    Here's the musical note if it helps with making an example that would explain/demonstrate the correct methods.

  • You're welcome

  • Here is an example with angles

    Here is an example with image points I'd go this one personally

    Now I wasn't going to animate your menu (too much effort, and I'm lazy), but I changed a sprite that tracks the mouse instead. I imagine you can work out the code to show the right animation of your menu (and if not, inbox me)

    If you need more help, let me know.

  • You could use the Pick Highest event, and add a Variable to them called IsAllowedToFight, toggling it to false after their turn, and toggling it to true after the enemies turn.

  • You could do it still, but making the nearest object the solid one and the rest non-solid.