> >
> >
> > why don't you just use the template C3 has for infinite jumper? and build upon it?
> >
> > also what the person above said scroll to behavior or you can do it by events using viewport scroll to position.
> >
> yeah, i'm stuck at background, because in this template only white background and it's not scrolling with player
but if u are using a purple bg just give that color to the layout bg, it will be that color forever no matter where ur player is set. also ur player actually does not move outside the screen.... the green blocks move down when player jumps up, creating the illusion the player moves outside the screen. note the screen and layout size is impossible for you to go outside .... however if you want a bg going downwards against the player like clouds and stuff look at the flappin birds tutorial there is a moving bg with a parallax effect just do the same but for vertical whenever player moves or the action for platform blocks moving down the bg should move also but 80% slower
Hi, thank you for your reply
for the honest, i need to make android game (endless) same as this one. [quote:304k2kyn]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxOpZ69RI24
so i created 4 backgrounds ( 4 layers) and bottom background fixed and other 3 (transparent) with 3 different scrolling speeds (same as video). so how do i set it to scroll ?
can you please give me hint to create it ?