ElRei's Forum Posts

  • in my opinion yes, sprites has so many options and stuff, it is impossible that html engine does not request info in the time of processing, the object without tiling, which is pretty annoying, but also without rotating points, and collision polygon would be nice solution for Bg parts that doesn't need to be tiled

  • R0J0hound i would agree but why when i use TB i have 62 fps on device and when i use sprites i have 5 fps, same device(ipad) same exporter)

  • ooops, found it, but still it'd be nice to have possibilities to lock tiling... Sprites always so havy cause they count collision every tick

  • Hello, Scirra!!! I would like to ask if it is possible to add new type of object to construct 2 that will have properties of sprite:rotation point in the center of image, and properties of Tiled background: doesn't use collision polygon.

    And it would ve been nice to be able to paint actions and actions in different colors.

    Best regard , Ivan

  • Thanks Ashley and ludei for answer))) will be looking forward to it. Thanks for really fast platform, numerous tests on iphone/ipad showed that Coocoon is fastest framework so far)

  • I would like to know please when accelerometer feauture will be fixen in Cocoon. Right now it is only acceptable framework to export for iphone and android. Phone gap is horrible in productivity aspect and appmobi is really tricky and there are too many possibilities of Leaking Data, especially with IOS builds AND IT WORKS HORRIBLE IN ANDROID 4.0: Scrolls are blocked to the centre of layout

    Thank you and good day

  • Recentely i posted thread

    Accelerometr WORKING EXAMPLE

    and struggled to get accelerometer working right inside the Appmobi, but i didn't get any results because i was always exporting with direct canvas, and then with advice of Knifegrinder i exported my game using browser instead of direct canvas and it worked perfectly but slooooow on my ipad and perfectly and not so slow but slow enough for 7mb game on appmobi ipad emulator and not slow at all on iphone 4 emulator but i expirienced huge problems with object positioning, anyway game got perfect flow.


    bug if exporting in direct canvas(r104) and accelerometer support if export in Device browser)))) Guess it'll help

  • REally appreciate YOur help guys, it helped a lot and i got like 5fps on Appmobi when on Lan preview i got like 0,5-0,6 fps :D

    Will continue work on it, a lot of things to bound. I figured during testing that if you use Layoutwidth object positions correctly, when i used windowwidth my iphone 4 emulator placed onject almost outside of LO which is strange since my Lo is 960,640

  • Cool, w8ing for r105 release)))) i wasn't sure it's bug, sometimes humans are bugged and that's why i posted capx file)))

    Thanks Anyway for response, Btw accelerometer works perfectly in LAN preview, but my game runs fast only in appmobi emulator

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  • Here is my test made like 15 mintes ago, maybe i do something wrong



  • Oh, thank you, for all this help,Knifegrinder. i didnt know Droid SDK was that bad, at work my coworkers use Android SDK on macs but they only build apps not games)

    My problem is not that simple, i use 0,0 paralax for that gui but my app doesn't start well, and i can block screen to lanscape ONLY in phone gap exporter but have no way to try it on my ipad since i am not apple developer(((

    I woul really appreciate if you could tell me aswell if i can preview my game and test Device orientation on my home lan or work server: If would post it like html on web on my Lan and then open on my ipad in browser, will i be able to test accelerometr???

  • Thank You for detailed answer))) Now i am trying to export my test app on phonegap... I build apk but i just do not know how to test it virtually. I installed eclipse and android sdk aswell but emulator is too slow and when i RUN my app just a screen pop up, i guess ill spend a lot of hours reading and learning) I hope next appmobi exporter will be better.

    PS. appmobi requires full screen resolutions which totally destroy my in app positioning, since i'm not boud to pixels but window height and width my ingame ui, sprites just don't fit or too small on screen, which really sucks, my app is build for iphone screen nd iphone emulator just breaks out all my layouts.

  • hmmmm, understood, thanks for the reply Ahley, so anything supports accelerometr atm???

  • Hey guys, i really can not use data which is in manual and i do not really know how to use device tilt/accelerometr function.

    What i need i want some action/expression to lock appmobi on horisontal position, make x axis acceleration and test it on apmobi, if anyone could provide links to real examples or explain funtion by function i would really appreciate it.!!

    sorry for my noobness, i just do not have much time to complete my game