Elinox's Forum Posts

  • Push! Nobody can help?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hmh i have test it but doesnt work. Any1 knows the problem? Here the capx file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B27Re6MWz_czaDNTZTgzRDU4Tjg/view?usp=sharing

  • Hey guys. At moment i make a Top Down Shooter game. For now i have a functionality Joystick and at right i have a shot button. But i would have dual joystick for my projekt. Left are for movement and right are for character rotation. Can anyone give me a tip or tutorial oder whatever?

    Thanks =)

  • Thanks i would test!

  • Hey all, i use the Share Plugin from STCTR, all working perfect on browser but if i would share via app ( in game ), facebook shares only the first word.

    For example in browser:

    "Hol dir das neue Spiel"

    and on mobile via FB App:


    nothing more..

    Anyone can help me?

  • Thanks for your Help! I would test it =)!!

  • Now i have this

    "Mein Highscore ist " & WebStorage.LocalValue(NAME_SPACE& "_best_score") & ". Versuch ihn zu Toppen!"

    How can i display the Score Text Bold?

  • Hey all.

    I want to make for my game a cool intro so a little introduction to the game . However, I have no idea how to begin . Can anyone explain with what effects or plugins I can do this?

    I would use Text Dialogs etc...


  • Hi all. I use the Share Plugin from User STCTR. I would use an Variable in Description.

    For an example. i have a variable "Score" where display my highscore. And if i loos the game there displays a game over modal. on this modal it shows my highscore and if I will be able to share on Facebook will want my actual Highscore displayed.

    Hope u understand me

  • Hi i always bought the v3.5 version. But i dont have the download link anymore. Pls contact me to gave me the downloadlink for v3.6

  • Hey all, how do i make cool particle effects?

    For an example. I would make a flaming scroll, if i pickup this i would have an flaming arrow and my characters hand are under fire or something.

    I know where i can create the powerup but how do i make an cool effect?

    Thanks =)

  • Hey all!

    I hope i write in the right Forum.

    Has anyone upload a Windows UWP App to Store?

    Always i upload a game it would say in the review section my hardware are not compatible and reviews are deactivated.

    Can Anyone give me a C2 VB2015 Project example that i can learn from it? Or a appmanifest from VB.

    I Hope anyone can Help me.

    In German:

    ich versuche seit tagen eine UWP app im store zu veröffentlichen. Also geklappt hat es zwar aber viele sachen stimmen nicht. Die Standartsprache ist englisch und Bewertungen sind deaktiviert da meine Hardware nicht kompatiebel ist. Kann mir jemand ein beispiel project von VB2015 senden? Oder eine ausführliche app manifest datei?

    Hoffe es kann mir jemand helfen.

  • Moin! Würde mich auch über Deutsche tutorials freuen =)

  • Hey guys,

    how do i display Ads from Appodeal or Leadbolt in my Windows 10 Universal APP.

    I have created a Game for Windows 10 / Win 10 Mobil. I would Display ads from Leadbolt ( Appodeal doenst have an option for win 10 ). Can anyone say me how it works?

    One way i thinked is to make an leadbolt web ad an than i display it via an iframe. Does this work? Anyone know it?

    Thanks for your help.

    Greets Martin.

  • Hey guys.

    I would create a card deck like solitaire. if i touch on the deck than does show one card like solitaire =).

    i would use online images for the cards.

    Can anyone give me a example to show how i do this?

    Its for a little card game.