Hello, rex
When i'm trying to get this (after 'on item added')
I get this
Firebase is the main feature in my game, so i can't without it. About Webview+, it keeps around 50 fps, but in "heavy" moments ~30-40. And it's really annoying, beacuse my game fully optimized. But.. thanks for support
I can't release my game because i need firebase and canvas+. Webview+ has poor optimization. I hope they'll make it soon.
Thx for fix. One more question about "Timer". Why does
Get timer[/code:3rjbvjap] create new timer? I thought [code:3rjbvjap]Start timer[/code:3rjbvjap] has to make it.
Hi, rex.
Why command
Timer.LastRemainInterval[/code:28dbi0je] returns me not remained time, but elapsed like this? [code:28dbi0je]Timer.LastElapsedTime[/code:28dbi0je] and [code:28dbi0je]Timer.LastTimeoutInterval[/code:28dbi0je] returns "NaN"?
Hello rex,
Is it possible to make somithing like terminal (Server side program), which will be stored on firebase server? This program would control database and it necessarily have to work always to spy what is happening on database.
Hello, does support firebase v3? At least Webview+
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
There's incorrect one
Why there is link for Firebase API V3x plugin?
Firebase hosting? But.. if i want to publish my game on google play?
Ok, it was silly mistake.
New question. Accounts are remembered forever anyway, why?
New err
Nice work! Where i can get API key of my app?
Hi, this plugin works on HTML5 and NW.js?