[plugin] firebase

From the Asset Store
Firebase Analytics Web App, ( Firebase SDK version 10.0.0 )
  • Savvy001

    Uh, I don't have fully example for turnbased (rooms) game in firebase now.

    Actually, "rooms" is not the native feature of firebase. I used to make a plugin to simulate the "rooms", it might not be completed for all possible "rooms" features. A better solution is using Photon Cloud.

    I also will try to make a turnbased example.... when I have time...

  • That would be great!


  • AndreasR

    I can't release my game because i need firebase and canvas+. Webview+ has poor optimization. I hope they'll make it soon.


    I'm not sure if ludei makes a Firebase Plugin for Construct 2 working with Canvas+, we just can hope and pray

    We will see what time brings. But if your game just waits for the release of the firebase plugin, I personally would recommend you to switch either to WebView+ or to release the game without the firebase feature at the moment.

    Then, if (and it's a big if) Ludei decidces to make such a plugin, to add those features with an update.



  • AndreasR

    Firebase is the main feature in my game, so i can't without it. About Webview+, it keeps around 50 fps, but in "heavy" moments ~30-40. And it's really annoying, beacuse my game fully optimized. But.. thanks for support

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  • I made a Firebase Template for Syncing Account Date (Coins, Inventory).

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/tutorial- ... count-9616

    This is currently in beta, so if you found any bugs or have any suggestions, just let me know.

    Once the code is working perfectly, I'll release the source code of the asset on scirra.

    Please note

    Scirra Acarde is blocking the Google login. Please use the mail login instead.

    Thank you!

  • AndreasR

    Use "Expression:DisplayName", "Expression:PhotoURL" to get display name or photo url from google account / facebook account. (sample capx) In email - password login, call "Update profile" to set these values.

    Inventory... I would like to use rex_firebase_itembook plugin to implement that. But it might be too complex for a simple use case.

    Thanks for sharing this template!

  • AndreasR

    Use "Expression:DisplayName", "Expression:PhotoURL" to get display name or photo url from google account / facebook account. (sample capx) In email - password login, call "Update profile" to set these values.

    Inventory... I would like to use rex_firebase_itembook plugin to implement that. But it might be too complex for a simple use case.

    Thanks for sharing this template!

    It actually fetches the user image. But it gets blocked by Scirra Acarde. I'll add the Display Name with an upcoming update, thanks for that hint

    Moreover I'll add more handlers (facebook and so on)

    [quote:1i18vt07]Image from origin 'https://shatter-box.com' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://games.scirra.net' is therefore not allowed access.

    I haven't used your Inventory Plugin yet. I'll check it

    Thank you!



  • rexrainbow

    I am trying to get your FireBase Authentication plugin working on mobile(Facebook login) but cant for the life of me get it to work. I tried Cranberrys "InAppBroswer" plugin but this doesn't work properly ( it gets stuck on the FB login page after entering details ) and i have tried just using the "Browser" object to see if i can get it too work but no luck there either - Have you, or anybody else, using Cocoon, been able to get Firebase Auth to work on mobile?

    Thanks for the plugins Rex, you are awesome.


  • METR1C

    According to AndreasR said,

    [quote:1xgv09ve]It should work for WebView(+) on CocoonIO and Intel XDK (install the inapp browser plugin), however it will not work with CocoonIO's canvas+ engine due to the fact that Canvas+ do not support websockets.

  • AndreasR

    There are 2 possible plugins for saving items of users in firebase -

    1. rex_firebase_itemtable which address a value by ( itemID, propertyName).


    ----[propertyName] - value

    In your case, it will be ( userID, itemName ), for example ( userID, "coin" ) = 1000

    2. rex_firebase_itembook which address a value by ( tableID, itemID, propertyName )

  • LOl


    --------[propertyName] - value

    It support updating multiple tables in a writing access (atomicity).

  • AndreasR

    There are 2 possible plugins for saving items of users in firebase -

    1. rex_firebase_itemtable which address a value by ( itemID, propertyName).


    ----[propertyName] - value

    In your case, it will be ( userID, itemName ), for example ( userID, "coin" ) = 1000

    2. rex_firebase_itembook which address a value by ( tableID, itemID, propertyName )

  • LOl


    --------[propertyName] - value

    It support updating multiple tables in a writing access (atomicity).

  • rexrainbow

    Thank you for the links. I'll built an example for those plugins as well.

    I'm also writing a tutorial for it then.

    Feel free to link it on your website (I'll send you the links once I'm done).



  • AndreasR

    Thanks , I will put them in this page, and the document page of related plugins.

    You could also provide the product link in the (scirra) store, too.

  • AndreasR

    Thanks , I will put them in this page, and the document page of related plugins.

    You could also provide the product link in the (scirra) store, too.


    thank you! Here is the first link of the docs. It will be extended.

    https://shatter-box.com/knowledgebase/f ... ct-2-game/

    I'll send you the link to the capx examples once I'm done with them.

    Thank you!

    P.S. I hope it's fine that I linked to your plugins, if not let me know.



  • AndreasR

    Added into my website. Templates are welcome, too.

  • METR1C

    According to AndreasR said,

    [quote:3i3oggv8]It should work for WebView(+) on CocoonIO and Intel XDK (install the inapp browser plugin), however it will not work with CocoonIO's canvas+ engine due to the fact that Canvas+ do not support websockets.



    Thanks for the reply Rex, and once again thanks to Andreas who has helped me before with other issues. But WebView+ isnt allowing the Auth popup to login. Is there any other way around the issue? Or a sample capX that shows this working on mobile?

    Thanks guys

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